New to Chatt. TN and CFF

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Jun 3, 2008
Hey everyone! I'm new to chattanooga, orginally from Michigan and I'm a die hard angler. I was hoping you guys can give me an idea of where it's legal to put your pole in the water on the TN river/chick dam. The only place i'm familiar with is Coolidge Park but I think it's illegal to fish there? Any help would be greatly appreciated...i'm a shore angler and I don't care about hot spots. I could fish all day and not catch anything, I just like being out there. I also have a few tips on lures and baits to share if need be..just ask me! Thanks for all your responses. Also, I would like to stay close to Interstate 75/24/hwy. 153..I live right off interstate 24 and don't want to drive very far due to gas and not having a job here yet. Thanks!! Happing angling all. emoParty emoParty
Plenty of places above and below the dam on both "coasts".</p>

All of the city and state parks are easy to find and there is plenty of bank around.</p>

If you want to drive a little, Harrison Bay and Chester Frost Parks have good bank fishing!</p>

 to Chattaboogie and the CFF!</p>
Is it legal to fish close to the bridges (walnut) and whatever else the other 2 are called? I see alot of bank under those bridges but no one ever fishing there so I don't want to get into any trouble...
emoWelcome emoWelcome Its nice to have u on the form and welcome to this great state. Im a new angler but I will try to help u out some, I have seen on the form that there is very good fishing along the river park its off amnicola hwy and 153 there is good fishing close to the dam. I wish i could help u out more but im just starting to learn my self, you will see that there is some very nice people on the form that would be willing to help you and answere any question that you have. WELCOME TO CFF

 Exodus! A far as legal goes, if there isnt a sign that specifiacly states "No Trespassing" or "No Fishing" I would fish it! I have never heard of any "laws" about fishing around here to state otherwise. </p>

Are there alot of off-limit places in MI?</p>
Well I lived in a very very small town where every cop knew your name and yes almost everywhere around town was off limits. Being a small town that makes a living farming corn and beans there wasn't much for the police to do so you really had to watch it emoPolice it was a full days drive to the great lakes so I rarely got to fish. I have family down here and I have been to seqoyah (sp?) on a boat several times right ontop of the boil and man catfishing there was greeeeeeat! Unfortunately I don't have a boat yet so i'm looking to shore fish and this city is like NY to me and I don't want any trouble. I'm going to get my license this afternoon and scout some shores.
I have fished from the bank in Coolidge park and never had anyone tell me I couldnt, even had the parks people come down and ask if I was catching anything. Also on the Chattanooga side of the river, more towards the dam there are some piers you can fish off of, a buddie and I tied into two of the largest cats we had ever had on before, guessing 30 to 40lbs each, about 2 hours after dark one night, say the least we didnt get um on the bank but we got um close enough.
OOoo I can't wait! emoHoppingmad it's a treat to have so much water around here. I lived off of my families land in MI and our roads were unpaved dirt, with 3 houses in a 10mi radius, our town had 1 food store, a taco bell, a mcdonalds, 2 gas stations and a car wash emoLaugh being here in Chattanooga is awesome and I hope to make some fishin buddies down here. If you see me around the shore come say hello, i always wear my white michigan hat so you can't miss me.
We need ur address were we can mail u a TN orange hat, so u can retire that old white hat, would make a good oil rag emoLaugh emoLaugh emoPoke emoPoke emoPoke
Have you been outside today it is 90 degree's and you are talking about HOCKEY. The only ICE we want to see is in our ICE tea.....emoPoke
Oh and welcome to CFF emoWelcome
mallardecho - 6/4/2008 2:37 PM

Have you been outside today it is 90 degree's and you are talking about HOCKEY. The only ICE we want to see is in our ICE tea.....emoPoke
Oh and welcome to CFF emoWelcome

Mallard, Louie said step out on the ice and he'll show you a few tricks.... like how to hit the boards!!!! Also what checking means.... and it ain't at the bank either.
Welcome to CFF and Chattanooga Exodus. I too just moved here last year on Memorial Day weekend from Minneapolis. This is a great place to be! Fishing is awesome and the people are too. Not like NY at all! But I hear you cluckin' big chicken. PM Me and I'll gladly show you some shore spots that are very close to where you are. I live off of 153 and Amnicola Hwy. There are so many places to fish, you'll start walking in circles. Everyone here is really great and a super resource to new residents for pretty much anything and everything. Except BBass... emoWelcome
emoWelcome to cff like they said if there is not a sign or it is not a pond then i would think it would be ok to fish if you get down around mud creek and i have my boat back i will take you out but it is in the best state in the union that would be in gods country aka ALABAMA i also know some good places from the bank
Welcome to the area, emoWelcome and the CFF. You will find lots of help here on this forum for all fishing and hunting, emoThumbsup This is a great area if you're a sportsman, emoDance
What part if MI. are you from emoQuestion I spent 10 years there in the 70's working at Midland, emoThumbsup and I enjoyed the state and the snowmobiling, emoToast
Welcome to CFF and Chattanooga! We have a great fishery here in the TN river valley. I've fished from the bank many times at Cooledge park and have done very well. The spots and smallies will crush a bait walked close to the rip rap down there. It's a great place to fish if and when a kid has an event downtown and you are just waiting to pick them back up. I often just keep a rod in my car and fish from any bank that I'm close to. Just read some of shsimons' posts from this spring and you will see how great fishing a TN river impoundment can be from the bank. The bridges over major creek arms are key neck down areas and really concentrate fish. Try Wolftever creek bridge from time to time if you get up Hwy 58. Lots of fish can be caught at Chester Frost , Booker T. Washington, and Harrison Bay State parks. They are better in the spring and fall but fish can be caught there most of the time if you use your topo maps to figure out where to fish. Fish close to where creek channels and the main river channel come up close to the shore and you will catch good fish.

What town in Mich are you from? Sounds like somewhere like Bangor to me.

Let us know how you do.
to the forum from Doc1, glad to have you. As most have told you you can fish just about everywhere unless there is a posted sign saying to not fish or trespass. We even let yankees come down here and stay now, or at least some of them.