New truck for pulling bass boat

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Carl Guffey - 1/22/2011 2:39 PM

Mark W - 1/21/2011 12:41 PM Yes, towing out of state and also will be towing another trailer for work that is about 3500 #. Truck will be used for business travel as well.

<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">This is going to be a work truck as well as a boat towing vehicle. Facts are simple. Diesel, best fuel economy loaded or empty, most dependable period, and by far best ride. Test your gas trucks, leave Dunlap headed toward Chattanooga pulling a 20 ft. boat on Hwy. 111. How fast were you running at the bottom and how fast at the top?</font></p>

<font face="Georgia" size="2">I work out of a F-250 Diesel</font>. <font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">Currently it has 300,000 miles  and I normally pull a 20 ft. tandem covered work trailor loaded with tools (planers, table saws, and assorted tools) and I still get 20 mpg. In answer to my test question, I have made the pull up 111 several times coming from Wrechin's with my 20 ft. Norriscraft. 65 at the foot of the mountain and 55 mph at the top without having to push the truck. Things last longer when you don't have to push them.</font></p>

emoEek 20 mpg pulling a trailer? I'm impressed. I don't see that even when pulling nothing but air! emoRolleyes
<font face="georgia,palatino" size="2">No, that is my bad, run on sentence. What I meant was despite the fact that the truck has that many miles and it gets worked. It still gets decent fuel mileage and usually with the trailer I do get 15 mpg. Which is strong considering the size and weight of the trailer.</font>
Maintenance costs are twice as much on a diesel, but will last twice as long (or more). That said my next truck will be a diesel. Newer diesels arguably don’t last quite as long as the old ones, they are harder to tune and get worse fuel mileage. You can give thanks to our government for that.
If you got a 20’ bass boat then there isn’t much need for a diesel IMO. My 22’ bay boat is like pulling a drag parachute and kills my gasser with 3.42 gears (in 3rd mind you). I have done the calculations and even my situation, with fuel costs the way they are, and taking into consideration the 5-7K upfront cost of a diesel, at 100K miles I will be breaking even if I were to go buy a new truck to day and make the switch to diesel.
I have a FX4 f150 with the 5.4 liter V8 and love it. Pulls my rig just fine with no trouble. But if you are going to pull a heavier load, id go with the 2500HD series that Chevy makes (diesel) They are sweet rides and pull very good as well. A guy I work with dog trains and pulls an 8 box dog trailer that holds a 4 wheeler and a 50 gallon water tank and he swears by it! Says that its the best pulling truck he has ever owned.
i also pull a jayco talon toy hauler at 5500 with my ford 150, added break box does just fine the factory rating on a truck is way under what it can pull, tow packages are great must have a transmission cooler!!!

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