Nick-A-Jack Tailwater fishing 10-28-06

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Jay Edmundson would always say all I need is a grub. Sounds like eveyones is playing catch-up. Maybe a 12' flatbottom and a 9.9, 1 bag of baits and your arm tied behind your back still may be to much of an advantage. They will have you fishing out of a canoe with a hole in it, cane pole with chewing gum for bait.
Now thats the truth!!! LOL I have to say , I have heard that before Berry, from a few of the guys down there.....

I caught a 7#+ largemouth last winter fooling around 1 Sunday in the middle of the day in water so muddy that you could plow it at the mouth of the cove, on a plain white grub.
You took a jab at Chatt boys, I jabbed back. Obviously mine hurt a little more. You can compare Nick fishermen to Chatt fisherman and never get an definite answer who's better. I fish a few on Nickajack and yes they are competitive. Some very good fishermen down there. Cba guys fish other Tx's as well. Rogie Brown is trying to qualify in Bassmaster, several fish BFL's (JB McMillon just finished 3rd or 4th in the Regional a couple of weeks ago) and other regional events. Its all about consistancy in fishing. I do know in some of these 3 hr dog fights on Chick with a 3 fish limit, the winners will have more weight than the 5 fish on Nick. You can't honestly believe the competion from top to bottom is better in those Nickajack Tx's . Do you really think if S. Kite,C. Coleman/Lasley, R. Brown, I. Haag,J. McMillon,G. Hughes,R. Dye, S. Rogers, T. Townsend, G.Lamb, etc, etc came to Nickajack they would really get their ass handed to them? Sometimes ya know these Chatt boys lock through and catch them on Nickajack as well. My name is Eric Clark and I locked thru in March and July. How did you do down there in those? Good luck in the Classic. I'm sure you will do well, Nick is a good lake in the fall. Opinions are opinions. No hard feelings. I would like to know what other people on here think?
No big deal Eric, it just struck a nerve is all. I didnt really mean to imply we were better, but I think we are just as competitve, and you do have to agree that they , meaning those Chatt boys wouldnt show up for the Times Free Press scheduled for down there, I know, bec I was in close contact with Vickey Cooke. As far as those mentioned, they are very good long as they can stay on Chick, just like I cant go up there and do well. Its all in where you fish the most. I fished those, and didnt fair so well, I cant catch them everytime. The point I was trying to make, that got lost is that they get 2 hours more fishing time than we do, thats by my choice, but if they really want to level the playing field, and help attendance, in my opinion, then they might think about going some different places. Im sorry if it sounded personal, because it wasnt. I would like those boys to show up 1 week, and get a dose of grass!! No hard feelings bud. I hope you do well also.
i caught a 23" walleye last tme i went to nick. i was drop shotting wall climbers behind the boils. how common are these fish below nickajack? the only other one i have seen was caught below chick on 0 generators. the guy was jiggin lead heads over the railing next to the wall. ive taken plenty of saugeye and sauger in the winter months while chick is spilling,but never any walleye. id love to catch a few.
can we not curse on the forum? There are little kids that read these posts as well as us and I know if I had kids I would appreciate it being the kind of place my kid isnt exposed to that.
Its no big deal man. I would like to see if some of these guys could catch them on another lake. I know a certain few can. Like mentioned before Rogie 2 yrs ago went to Douglas in May and won a Bassmaster weekend series with 20lbs and he is trying to make it on the open BASS circuit. One thing that you mentioned is fishing the grass. I argue with people about this all the time. People don't realize the stuff grows everywhere up past Hiwassee. There are alot of boats that fish the grass and place up that way in CBA's. So why do you think they couldn't catch them in the grass on Nickajack??? Alot of the BFL regional guys targeted the area for the main reason its easier to locate fish than the open water stuff. I would bet the July (Chuck James) and Oct (JB McMillon) CBA's were won up that way. There are quite a few Dayton fishermen who have won there share of $$ in that area. If I am not mistaken the Shrine was won up that way and a 9lb kicker to go with it. I think alot of people are so caught up in the regulars (Dye, Kite, Hughes, Haag, Norris, Brown, Lewis, etc) catching fish on structure/brushpiles that they forget about the shallow water/ grass fishermen. Have you ever tried fishing up that way? PS. Sorry to everyone about saying the A word.
I think we are on different wave lengths here. All I am saying is that people tend to treat Kite, Roge Brown,, JB etc etc like they are impossible to beat, and they are tough yes, but they have more of an advantage since they dont have to spend time locking through, and they are on famailar waters. When I said I would like them to come down, I sincerely meant it. Im not so arrogant to think that Im better than them.
It is my decision to lock through where I am more comfortable.
CBA rules state that you either have to fish enough of the regular Tournaments and finish high enough in the points, OR fish 7 regular Txs and buy the Classic entry. I dont even know we are discussing this, I have not done anything wrong.
I chose to fish 3 different Tours, and I made all 3 Classics within TX guidelines. If someone has a problem with it, then they need to take it up with TX Officials.
The only beef I have, was the comment about buying my way in. Its legal, and I didnt break any rules.
I have no beef with you and trust me, I voted and expressed my opinion on the buy-in to the Classic. All I am wondering is why do you think the guys on Chick can't come to Nick and catch fish in the grass when they catch'em on the upper end of Chickamauga? If you fished CBA's in the 80's, you know there was grass on Chickamauga. So who was winning the Tx's then? The same people winning them now!! I actually believe the lake is better now than it was then. The weights each year just keep going up. Its getting harder to just get a check (Usually 13-14lbs). I believe thats the reason they decide to stay on the Chick. I really believe if Nickajack turned on and several big stringers were coming in every mos. and not just spring, they would find their way down. You are right, I'll quit rambling, its getting out of hand. Again, no beef to you. I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings. I'm done

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