Not sure what happened.......

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Well-known member
May 9, 2007
Sherwood, TN
I fished the Pump Storage area on Racoon this past Sunday. Came off of the water around 11:00 AM. Everything seemed OK. Headed back down the interstate, almost got to the South Pittsburg exit, noticed a dragging feeling behind me. Had a tire going down on the trailer. I was already starting to exit, so there was no where to pull over (no shoulder, just guard-rail), so I slowed down and kept on going. Hadn't gone 50 yd. and the tire went flying. Finally reached a place to pull over, probably 150 more yd. down the road. When I got stopped and got out to inspect the damage I noticed that the hub was still on the spindle, but the Bearing Buddy was gone, and both bearings were shot.

What really struck me as odd was that all four lug bolts were gone, but the holes were not stripped out!! I got Doc1 on the phone, and when he got there he said that he thought that maybe someone had tried to steal the wheel off of my trailer, but might have got surprised by someone returning to the ramp before they could finish. Kinda' makes sense, a lot more that thinking that all four lug bolts worked loose at the same time.
<font face="georgia,times new roman,times,serif" color="#000066">I had the same exact thing to happen about 15 years ago, ain't no fun I feel your pain</font>
Dang the luck!

Hope you can get-er-done.</p>
If that was the case, racoon mnt. boat ramp has monitered cameras in the parking lot. If they were watching, they should have sent somebody down there to check it out.sorry bout your bad luck.
Hopefully boat is ok? I can tell you from experience, that one loose nut can loosen them all (though it was a large trailer with a Case 1150B dozer). Fortunately I got stopped before the second dually went the way of the first tire. Tire was recently replaced, tightened by myself before the 300 mile journey, and it still happened. Dad wasn't happy, but no one was killed by a 100+ lb tire and all the equipment wasn't damaged.
I always share this story about thief’s and characters. At Lake Mead, Calville Bay Ramp, I watched a $300,000.00 dollar Donzi fall loose from a truck. As soon as the truck hit the top of the launch, it came loose and flew down toward the water. People were running everywhere and the boat and trailer stopped by hitting a very large 8x8 concrete anchor used to anchor the docks. It put a hole in the boat that you could walk into. Guess how it happened? The Federal ranger told me that he must have pissed someone off and the guy followed him when he parked the truck and trailer. The deviant then unlatched the trailer and safety straps and when the boat and trailer crested the hill (lost tongue weight), it just popped off. I couldn't believe someone could be that stupid and revengeful. I always check mine and I have a locking pin, and I still check my trailer tires.

I have a nasty habit of walking all the way around my truck and trailer when I return to the ramp.  I look at all the tires, bunks, wench on the trailer and look for damage on my truck and trailer where it may have been hit.

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