OBAMA putting the hammer on Banking Institutions

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beetlespin - 1/24/2010 3:14 PM

Cool!!! Maybe the oil companies can buy some congressional seats for non-democrats now! I believe I would rather pay the oil companies than Obama.

emoScratch It's amazing to me how those mostly responsible for causing these problems (republican policies), want to bitch about how it gets fixed. If I screwed something up, I certainly shouldn't gripe about those brought in (elected) to fix it. Does that make sense to anyone? or just my twisted way of thinking.
Oil companies have already bought plenty of Congressional seats, that is the reason we are still using oil... Technology is out there to use water, battery, electric, ethanol we could use just about everything except oil.... They will use oil all the way untill the oil completely drys up, which will be in about 60 to 80 years...
Oil companies were drilling on Government land and were suppose to be paying or leasing the land... For years, they got away without paying anything for using Government land... Oil companies were throwing money under the table to the politicians to keep it the way it was...
If you want to have an effect on oil prices buy a fuel efficient car. Everybody has gotten used to big gas guzzling cars and only after $4/gal gas did people start to say oh Craig, I really didn't need this 8 passenger tahoe or expedition to haul my two kids around. And yes there is technology out there to get much better fuel efficiency but it takes many billions of $ to introduce it. The focus in the next few years will be on making lighter vehicles which will improve mileage. No other developed country in the world drives gas hogs as a whole.
beetlespin - 1/24/2010 2:48 PM If you want to have an effect on oil prices buy a fuel efficient car. Everybody has gotten used to big gas guzzling cars and only after $4/gal gas did people start to say oh Craig, I really didn't need this 8 passenger tahoe or expedition to haul my two kids around. And yes there is technology out there to get much better fuel efficiency but it takes many billions of $ to introduce it. The focus in the next few years will be on making lighter vehicles which will improve mileage. No other developed country in the world drives gas hogs as a whole.
Yea, I totally agree with you on that... Americans went out bought oversized SUV's and big full sized truck, which get about 15 mph.... Right now, Franklin Ky there is plant that will be building small electric cars.... It would be great choice to use for work and back....
Remember, the Geo Metro that use to get around 40mph... Gasoline prices were around $1.00 gallon and no would buy them... I bet if they started making them again Americans would start buyin them...
TheMacDaddy - 1/24/2010 1:30 PM

Who gave out the credit??? These banks were giving out loans that didn't have fixed interest... Interest rate would increas 3 years after the loan... Well, if someone could barely afford to make their payments when they first got their loank, the interest rate would shoot up couple of points.... Finally, it would be impossible to be making the payments....

It is not the banks responsibility to sell you a loan you can afford it is your responsibility to make sound financial decisions and not buy more house or more anything else than you can afford. A little hint... If the only loan you can get that will allow you to purchase something is a ARM loan then you probably can't afford it and shouldn't buy it. If more people would have exercised a little self control and not bought things they couldn't afford I doubt very seriously if we would be in this mess!
You sound like a smart guy foodsaver. We will be in much better shape when people take care of their own problems instead of looking to the government to take care of them. Governments aren't good at fixing our problems but they are real good at causing us more problems.
You can use an A.R.M. (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) to your benefit if you are responsible. My wife and I had an ARM on our first home it was a 10 year balloon. We paid interest only and kept the home for 2 years then sold for about the same amount we had in it. It helped us build some credit and stash some cash for a down payment on our home we live in now. They should be available and will be if they are viable in the free market. Our gov't keeps trying to outlaw stupidity and they will never reach that achievement.
outcaster - 1/24/2010 5:19 PM

beetlespin - 1/24/2010 3:14 PM

Cool!!! Maybe the oil companies can buy some congressional seats for non-democrats now! I believe I would rather pay the oil companies than Obama.

emoScratch It's amazing to me how those mostly responsible for causing these problems (republican policies), want to bitch about how it gets fixed. If I screwed something up, I certainly shouldn't gripe about those brought in (elected) to fix it. Does that make sense to anyone? or just my twisted way of thinking.

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