Old Member (Shark)

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GAfisherman - 8/26/2014 4:56 PM

Does anyone know what ever happened to him. The last I heard he was in a whole mess of trouble. Does anyone know if he was convicted or what happened?

You and Derrik should have never gone on that canoe trip with him.
churly - 8/26/2014 2:58 PM

GAfisherman - 8/26/2014 4:56 PM

Does anyone know what ever happened to him. The last I heard he was in a whole mess of trouble. Does anyone know if he was convicted or what happened?

You and Derrik should have never gone on that canoe trip with him.
But he Dusty told me he had candy and ice cream for us....and Justin was just mad he couldn't go.
SethColeman - 8/27/2014 12:12 AM

What was his last name?

You played 2 square with him too? No wonder he headed North... Taught you everything you know about shellcraker huh?lol sikfukheis!
churly - 8/26/2014 10:00 PM

SethColeman - 8/27/2014 12:12 AM

What was his last name?

You played 2 square with him too? No wonder he headed North... Taught you everything you know about shellcraker huh?lol sikfukheis!

Never got to fish with him, but I'm sure it would have been a touching experience.
Wow!! I didn't know about his trouble.
I did take him crappie fishing one time as he wanted to learn to shoot docks. He talked about his girlfriend who he lived with, shooting pool, his time in the military and New York.
When he posted his plans to leave here I reminded him of our trip but he didn't even remember going. Maybe he was on something. I can't stand a Child Molester! I believe they should be shot on sight.
Sadly enough, he is not the first CFF regular to go down in the flames of Child molestation. We had another member who was odd but a nice enough guy it seemed, he even fished the CFF tourneys, and he went down for Child pornography I think. What has this world come to?
There is a guy here at work who used to take his kid to ugio ( sp?) card tournaments around the area and said that shark guy was always at the tournaments. That's a kids card game. I always told him that wasn't normal.
churly - 8/27/2014 6:58 AM Sadly enough, he is not the first CFF regular to go down in the flames of Child molestation. We had another member who was odd but a nice enough guy it seemed, he even fished the CFF tourneys, and he went down for Child pornography I think. What has this world come to?

Wow... who?</p>

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