I got one for ya,There was a registered sex offender that came into my wife's salon panhandling,after the terrified and surprised girls who were there gave him a few bucks he went back out into the parking lot and started "taking care of business". Well,they called the cops on him and nothing happened,he left before they got there. So a couple of weeks later the same dude showed up at the BMX track (tons of kids around) in a public park (which was a parole violation for him)and starts panhandling again, about that time my wife shows up and recognizes him so we call the cops again. this time they pick him up for the parole violation and lock him up. Well,we show up to court to see if justice is served and they LET THE GUY GO! they release him into his father's custody (this is a grown man by the way) supposedly to go stay with him in FLA. I had his address from the sex offender registry online so I went a few days later and guess what, He's still living there! to this day he's still there by himself with no supervision a year later! Dad I'm assuming is back in FLA supporting his sick ass and the police are turning a blind eye. That's our justice system for you. And if I say a word to him or harass him in any way I'm going to jail. Makes you wonder who, or how bad does somebody need get hurt before this scum gets put behind bars.