Only four teams left, who will it be?

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Jmax - 1/18/2013 8:43 AM New up date, who will be right? 49ers - 2 Falcons - 4 Ravens - 3 Patriots - 5 I still think the Ravens will win the Super Bowl if they can get by the Patriots. ;) Jmax
Just a thought... This could make it more interesting - After the conference championship games this Sunday, run a contest whereyou pick who will win the 2013 Superbowl and whatthe final scorewill be. Everyone that makes a prediction agrees to send the winner a new unopened unused lure or bag of plastic baits.
Well, the Falcons gave away the game with turnovers and bad plays. Started with 17-0 and still managed to loose. emoBang It would appear the Falcons do not understand the idea of playing strong all four quarters.

But the Ravens did what I thought they would do. Beat up the Patriots and wear them down. That is a very hard hitting rough team. I still think they will take it all in the super bowl but you never know if they might pull a Falcon move and not come to play the whole game. emoScratch Jmax
I think the Raven's are going to pull it off. I didn't think they would beat the Bronco's or the Pats but they made it.

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