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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2006
Before I got a chance to reply. Darn.


My point about the 4 vs. 11 lber and fertility is that the 11 lber is not as fertile as a 4 lber. I think most of us agree to that. Data (science) has pretty much proven that. So in a sense to most anglers keeping (harvesting) a 4 lber should be considered worse than keeping (harvesting) an 11 lber. I know it doesn't make sense to a tournament minded angler because they want a chance at every 11 pounder that swims in the lake. But that 11 lber once was 4 lbs and 3 and 2 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 with the SAME BIG FISH DNA as it has as an 11 pounder.

And you made this statement: "I don't know of any tournaments or trail that doesn't take extreme measures and precautions to keep the fish alive for release."

Well I think I do and again there is enough scientific data to support it. EVEN CHURLY ADMITTED TO TRYING TO GET THE 12 HOUR NIGHT TOURNAMENT DOWN TO 11. So that is a clue that this certain tournament trail (I'll never mention it by name again) may or may NOT be "taking extreme measures and precautions to keep the fish alive for release".

Come on people, if it really is about keeping the fishery going for our kids and grandkids you HAVE TO SEE THIS POINT.

For as long as I am not banned from CFF (which may not be for much longer!) whenever someone who fishes tournaments says it is bad for the fishery to harvest an 11 lb or any bass for that matter; I will also say it is bad for the fishery to hold long tournaments and several during hot months and spawning periods. If that is "tournament bashing" then so be it.

Churly, I do apologize to you because I did not know you tried to reduce the hours.


I do appreciate all those anglers who do see the need in limiting tournament hours and numbers during the hottest time of the year.

I do appreciate those tournament anglers who think the 3 fish limit is best for our great fishery.

I do appreciate those awesome "catch and release" anglers.

I appreciate all the replies from everyone on "the" thread to back up the true cause of conservation. The ones who aren't afraid to say what is good and bad for the fishery.

I am truly impressed that dusty, audioman166, from Ringgold GA hence probably why he uses GAfisherman as his CFF handle figured out my first name. I do appreciate his invite to meet him. Such a nice guy. No, really, I'm sure he is.

My best "internet hero" post had to be the PM I sent to fishinmagician today concerning tournament mortality.

Before I get banned from the site I would love to share it with the world if fishinmagician would give his permission.

If I do get banned first, I will ask fishinmagician to share it....

Then...just maybe....my status....could get upgraded....from...internet hero.....to....an....INTERNET GOD!!

Just a few more closing remarks:

Bbass, it was ok that you once ate a smallmouth bass. Showing a picture of the filet knife in it on here showed some big ole nads dude!! Or should that be little ole brains? LOL

JMax, keep up the good work and good posts during times/threads like the one that caused all this. Not sure if all that mess was true about you "bugging someone's row" (as we say in Big Soddy) or not but if you did get too close, shame on you.

Drumking, CU, WolfteverK, RSimms and all the other regular crappie anglers. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

BPrice, I've always enjoyed your posts.

Catjuggin, I can't stand snakes either. I don't even like to get close enough to them to kill them. Does that make me a wimp?

Oh, and the last time I checked I wasn't a ****. That is, if I even know what a **** is.

This post is way too long. No one will read it..and that is most likely a good thing.
There was a post a while back about why people do not post fishing reports anymore. After reading all that on that thread there's your answer.
FishinMagician - 4/4/2013 12:01 AM

You have way to much time on your hands. We need to go fishing to fix that problem. LOL


I have a "friund" !!!

Too much time and not enough MEDICATION!!!
Jeez! String up the corn dogs and lets go! Gotta have balls if ya got small brains. But fish is brain food....I'll most likely eat a few more. That last thread got me thinking of grilled bass!
Why would anyone mount a live bass now that replica mounts are so good. I personally like the idea of releasing fish that big so they can make baby bass that might grow that big.
whenwegoin - 4/3/2013 10:08 PM

FishinMagician - 4/4/2013 12:01 AM

You have way to much time on your hands. We need to go fishing to fix that problem. LOL


I have a "friund" !!!

Too much time and not enough MEDICATION!!!

Careful, Chris is a guide on the lake. He will probably charge you for the trip. emoBigsmile emoLaugh Good guide I might add, here lately thou Rogie has been getting all the glory since his big sacks and the consecutive wins. He is a very good guide as well. emoRolleyes Jmax
beetlespin - 4/4/2013 6:09 AM

Why would anyone mount a live bass now that replica mounts are so good. I personally like the idea of releasing fish that big so they can make baby bass that might grow that big.

My only question is who in this area mounts "live" bass that would be awesome to have a live bass on the wall.

Just bustin ballz.
Whenwegoin, it was the day tournaments I spoke of and we DID shorten them by an hour.

Yall know where I stand on all of this.....
Can't speak for Chickamauga but they have about 10 TX'S a week on Guntersville and have been for several years and they are still wacking them. Someone must be doing something right. When the numbers dwindled on Guntersville years back it's when the grass died. I suspect the same happened on Chickamauga. People keep saying the Alabama rig is going to ruin bass fishing but the weights are not that much difference on the G. compared to years past. I suspect the Florida strain is showing up now on Chickamauga and thats the main reason for all the bigger bass showing up. I do believe the rig helps people catch suspending bass a little easier. I hate to keep saying this but BACK IN DAY it was real easy to go below any Tennessee dam and catch Saugars (Jack as we old timers called them) everyone including myself were reaping the benifits then TWRA put a 15 inch size limit on them and most everyone who ever saugar fished knew that most over 15 inches caught were females. I'm no biolgist but something has happened to the saugar run below every dam and reason would have me believe it is because of family cookouts if you get my meaning. I do realize that bass are probably the most fun to catch and they for sure put more money into our resources and economy which explains why Bass gets a lot more attention than other species. I hardly fish for hogheads mainly them brown bass and never keep one but on the other hand I do keep crappie so I find it to be a thin line on judging anyone else. I'm just going to have to trust the wildlife people and make sure I do my part.
Ok, Ill play along.

Justin, I am curious about the interaction of your bass club.

You stated that you guys work closely with TWRA on what sounds like research on mortality, DNA testing, etc. If the club has such a close relationship with that organization, why not push for removal of the creel limit on black bass?
As we have been told multiple times now, MOST anglers are idiots that can't comprehend the vast intricacies of bass management, can you help a brother out?

Its pretty clear that mouth-breathing rednecks are hell-bent on ruining the resource that your club is mostly responsible for creating, why would they not cater to the desires of the leadership that is responsible for the resurgence of the bass fishery?

I for one don't really trust those fisheries biologists that spent years getting an education in these matters, I for one think that guys that hold hard-working regular jobs, you know, the ones that only get time to come to CFF after say 5:30ish, the same ones that are carpenters, school teachers, bankers, salespeople, etc are FAR more enlightened in these matters than those silly biologists that keep allowing a creel of FIVE 10 lb bass a day to be taken to the freezer. Its insane and must be halted!
whenwegoin - 4/3/2013 8:37 PM

Before I got a chance to reply. Darn.


My point about the 4 vs. 11 lber and fertility...(/quote)

Fertility requires a female and at least one male. The fertility of a single bed is mostly dependant on environmental conditions (ie water levels and temp), not number of eggs.

I think the word you wanted to use was fecundity. Just because a moderate sized females has more eggs does not mean they are the same quality. While a large female will have a reduced number of eggs, the eggs tend to be larger, lay the eggs sooner, choose more optimum spawning sites, and attract more suiters.

As far as Florida strain, they have yet to make an impact. I believe the numbers were 34% in the 3 stocked sloughs, with almost no intergression into nonstocked areas. Another thing to consider is it unknown what happens when the F1 backcross (forming F2). F2s generally do not show the hybrid vigor of F1 (ie reduced size is to be expected, possible even smaller than existing "native" strain)
CBA pushed for the stocking of Florida strain, and is currently working with them to help them study what the effects are from the stocking. As are other clubs. To my knowledge, we haven't done anything on mortality. We should. Please understand that the CBA is ran by working class folks. We don't have someone receiving a paycheck to run it year round. That limits what we have time and money to do.

We have just recently discussed tightening the creel or even creating a slot to protect the big fish. But you know what it takes to change game laws.

When I refer to mullets and mouth breathers( you had a mullet back in high school I just know it.) I am referring to those that have the mentality that its cool to kill a big fish, when in reality you don't have to to enjoy the experience.

I think the 5- fish , 15" limit is in place with TWRA knowing most bass fishermen will release most everything they catch. I won't argue with the guys that make a living studying these fish.
bullshot - 4/4/2013 12:39 PM

whenwegoin - 4/3/2013 8:37 PM

Before I got a chance to reply. Darn.


My point about the 4 vs. 11 lber and fertility...(/quote)

Fertility requires a female and at least one male. The fertility of a single bed is mostly dependant on environmental conditions (ie water levels and temp), not number of eggs.

I think the word you wanted to use was fecundity. Just because a moderate sized females has more eggs does not mean they are the same quality. While a large female will have a reduced number of eggs, the eggs tend to be larger, lay the eggs sooner, choose more optimum spawning sites, and attract more suiters.

As far as Florida strain, they have yet to make an impact. I believe the numbers were 34% in the 3 stocked sloughs, with almost no intergression into nonstocked areas. Another thing to consider is it unknown what happens when the F1 backcross (forming F2). F2s generally do not show the hybrid vigor of F1 (ie reduced size is to be expected, possible even smaller than existing "native" strain)

The results of their current study will shock you. Those fish are all over the lake and last year, 77% of all fish surveyed in TWRA stockings, exhibited fla genetics
I remember when the size limit was 12 inches for largemouth and the creel limit was 10 and when they changed that to 15" and 5 fish that helped tremendously..


<font size="3">I'm pretty sure the lord has it all under control</font></p>