I love this quote by peta "Many positive, cruelty-free club sports are available at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, such as baseball, rowing, and scuba diving." Well I wonder if they are aware of what gloves and baseball covers are made of. I played all the way through college and some independent minor league and every glove I have every used is made of LEATHER which I assume is still made from cow skin. Now there are some that are made out of Kangaroo skin as well but they are expensive but the leather is reaaalllllyyy soft. Every baseball that i have hit, caught, or thrown while I play for my school had a LEATHER cover. I know that the baseballs that the major leagues (and minor league) are made with leather covers. Now I can't remember ever seeing that peta has protested any baseball game and according to the letter peta is PROMOTING baseball now. Well seems like a contradiction to me. What a bunch of , well for a lack of a better word, damn idiots.
BTW I'll have plenty of beef jerky on the boat while I'm out with college team to hand out to those peta guys in case they get hungry or the milfol they're eating doesn't taste too good.