Posting your fishing reports here...

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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puddle jumper

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Calhoun, Ga
Just was wondering,,,
What you guys think about posting you fishing reports here, As oposed to on the reguler side, keeps the numbers who can vew it to a smaller number and the lukers never even know about this side of cff???Kind of thought that is what this part of the forum was for anyway, It just not being utilized very much,, not trying to overstep my bounds but a sugjestion,, Also saw a coment about people who take and not give back, I didnt take it personal but did have the thought that I fit that catagory" with the exception I do post fishing reports most of the time" but as you guys know by now I didnt grow up fishing in fresh water and I just dont have a lot to contribute even though I would love to, and I would be more than willing to help anyone of you out if I can..just a thought...

Puddle...emoConfused emoConfused
I wish we could atleast take the "Fishing report" forum and make it only viewable to signed on members... Then if lots of people sign up just to see all the reports, but don't contribute or post much... they can be banned!!!! I think it would make CFF a better place and make this area a better place... so fishermen aren't hogging up all the sweet spots!</p>

Great thought... the code that is written for this forum only draws data from fishing reports section.  I would be concerned if folks only posted in here, eventually they would lose there "Contributor" status.  Maybe we can rewrite the code? I'd need help with that as I don't want to mess anything up, because i'm dumb with that kinda stuff.</p>


I'm working up a poll that I will post on the contrib forum to get some feedback from the whole contributor group.  Should have it out sometime this week.</p>
I hope to see more posts with information in this section of the forum in the future. I think its part of the forum growing this big. Contribute good reports with the pattern and depth and temperature in the main forum and then post more specifics here if you want to.
foodsaver - 3/23/2008 9:55 PM

I hope to see more posts with information in this section of the forum in the future. I think its part of the forum growing this big. Contribute good reports with the pattern and depth and temperature in the main forum and then post more specifics here if you want to.

Sounds like a good idea foodsaver .. from now on thats what I'll do post general report in public area and details here
Maybe there should be a section for guys/gals that have posted over a certain number of fishing reports, say, over 25 or 50. That would keep the numbers way down. It seems like there are a number of names of people that are on here that I haven't seen many reports from. Maybe there shouldn't be any area like this at all seeing as how the main thrust of this forum is to share info and not hide it from others. I'm sort of torn on the issue because the more shared info the better but the more shared info the more potential there is for people to take advantage of others. It's a tough call.
I tend to agree with Polo here. Either we make it harder to get in here or follow what CFF was set up for.
It's a very tough call. I just hate to see some of our popular and respected members disappear or stop giving any info or pictures. I'm not sure there is a truly good solution. Post numbers don't work, you can run up your posts without giving any info at all. Threads started in the reports forum could work OK if there is a reasonably high number required. As it currently stands, I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with posting detailed info here for anyone who posts a few "bare bones" reports every 3 months in the fishing reports section. Maybe, and this may not work either, but just maybe the report requirement could be high enough so that access to this area becomes an "earned reward" for considerably fewer members. Those who cannot - or are not willing to - contribute several reports per period, say 10 or 12 times in 3 months(?????) or maybe just have a total number of reports (25 or 30????) can still PM members to see if they are willing to privately give more info than on the open forum. I see this area as a place to give special details or reports to a more limited , and therefore more trusted number of members, while posting the regular info that you are comfortable with on the regular open forum. The numbers I have quoted are just a guess, and I'm just trying to help make a safer, more comfortable area for those who are willing to share more info without having to resort to PMing a lot. Thanks for letting me offer my thoughts!
My growing concern is that will we get to a point where everyone is hesitant to post fishing reports?  Its easy for me to post detailed reports, as there are not many North Alabamians on the forum, and those that are, I usually fish with.</p>

Lets not forget what the Paterfamilias (Dhaun) stated in the orgininal site policy memo, its attached at the end of my message.  If we don't have fishing reports, detailed or general, CFF will turn into a barren wasteland.  I sure don't want that, nor do I want it to turn over to a site where we get only, "Caught 5 keepers, 19 lbs, nice day to be on the water."  This is a perfect example of what happened to Bass Fishing Home Page.  </p>

The question is, how do we solve this?  How do we make CFF work the way it used to?  Where everyone was comfortable posting reports.  Please submit your ideas in this thread and I'll develop a poll for all Contributing Members to take, on the way to solve this problem.  Of course I can't poll 25 different ideas, but I'll consolidate them into 3 or 4 options.  We can see what the major stance of the contributors are.</p>

Below is David's original purpose of CFF.  I don't want this site branching out from this forum.  If we can't operate like this, we shouldn't be open.  Lets put our brains together folks!


If you find anything useful on CFF please leave a fishing report in return. This site is propped-up on the contributions of its members - it runs off donations like public radio. Many CFF members already understand this concept and are great contributors - I want to thank them for all they do.

I have recieved several comments and suggestions recently on the topic of fishing reports. First off I think there are plenty of great contributors here with wealth of knowledge that I really appreciate...I sometimes can hardly keep up with the reports posted. Most long-time members know this already - This post is for those who do not know yet why CFF is here.

One member mentioned that it seems like their are many CFF'ers fishing on a regular basis who rarely if ever post reports. Another said it seems like members prefer to sign on just to sell their gear or to promote their tournaments or friends businesses. That's fine since CFF is here to help with other forms of fishing & boating related information but I was reminded that it would probably be a good idea to communicate the primary purpose & intent of CFF and to reiterate why CFF exists to begin with. Some members may have no clue as to the purpose of CFF so I agree with that recommendation. So...this is a mission statement for all who visit the site, specifically to those who are new, are frequent visitors, or members who fish regularly & rarely if ever post a report. I figure I should have posted something like this over 2 years ago when the site first went online...I'm slow like that sometimes

This site is a free service for area anglers where everyone is welcome. CFF is not a profitable business. I donate my time to make it available and ask for only one thing in return. Your Fishing Reports. There is no need to ever post exact locations or compromise a fishing hole. Just basic patterns and depths on what species is biting is all that has ever been requested. There are many variables that affect fishing in this area and I am hoping that CFF may help educate me and other anglers on this long-term. Reports are all I really have time to read and I gain a lot of enjoyment from reading them when I am unable to be fishing myself. I believe your reports can also help to spread the message of conservation, provide an indicator of the health of our river system to biologists and others in TWRA who visit the site, and serve to promote the area fishery for out of town visitors.

If you like visiting this site and have gained anything useful from CFF then I respectfully ask that you please post fishing reports in return if you go fishing regularly. Each time you click on a link to visit CFF and start to read something please remember that this site is only here because of the Fishing Reports and I am hoping that you will take a few minutes to post a report of your most recent trip. I encourage everyone to thank those who frequently contribute, because they are the ones who keep CFF online and when the reports decline there will be no reason for me to maintain this site. It's a simple formula - the more reports CFF has, the greater likelihood that it will still be here in 2008.

I guess I missed the whole thing. I have been reading all of these ( and other) and I still don't know what happened. Who has pissed everyone off? Are there CFF members that have been sitting on other CFF members favorite fishing spots or something? If not a CFF member, how do you know if they got the info from CFF? Here's what I mean. Couple weeks ago Davo and I were fishing the bluffs across from Sequoya and came across a little cut in the wall where current pushed into it and it made an eddy. Well I pitched my bait in there and landed a very good bass! So I keep that spot in my mind, well as I see some others fishing reports ( crappie,bass ect.) the pictures that are shown ( both crappie and bass) show the exact same spot. Well did I steal that spot ( even though I now realize that it's a CFFer's favorite spot) ? I think people are getting a little too peranoid!! I have just noticed the change in posts since the site was sold. Does this have a factor in anything? I would hope not, but ya never know.
In my opinion, the change in ownership has a lot to do with people's attitudes right now. I think there is a lot of fear of the change in the back of folk's minds, and it is a natural reaction. In addition, there are a lot of new members, which is again change from the "old" ways. It's hard and I understand it. Please just keep in mind that this forum is what we make it and what we allow it to become. The CFF has a very solid footing, and we, as members, have the opportunity to help make the adjustments necessary to keep it that way.
I will say this... The new ownership has little to do with this forum now.  In a way thats good, but also thats bad.  I don't feel like that is going to change.  Mike is extremely difficult to get in touch with, and pretty much just wants the members to run the place.  Maybe that is like letting the prisoners run the prison??? :)</p>

I hope that we can find a happy medium where folks feel comfortable.  Private might be the way...</p>
I'm gonna live up to Chris nickname for me...y'all know, JERK, and say lets do a area of the forum for invites only!
Having posted a LOT of reports (3rd or 4th all time) I have never had an issue until this past weekend with people fishing were I do. This weekend there were two boats fishing the EXACT bank, at the EXACT sweet spot, that we always fish. I would not consider this uncommom except we were the only 3 boats on the river and I have been posting that spot a lot this year. My fault I know and will not happen again. Going foward if I post any pics they will not have any background info. Pain in the a$$ and makes posting suck. It it gets to be too much a pain I will probably stop posting.

I would like to see a Contributor's forum that required more posts to see. Think about it, when a person gets 30 or 40 regular posts they probably are a good memeber and should be allowed to see the "good stuff". 3 posts is a joke and very easy to do to see the current Contributor forum. I would say 20-30 within the past rolling 12 months. That is less than 3 posts per month. If posts are what drives this site then reward those that do the work and make posting a pre-requisit for seeing the good stuff. The code will have to be modified to add the Contributor totals. The only draw back I see is the "seasoned" posters will post here and not on the public site and the new owners may not like that as it will not draw the crowds it does today. But the alternative is to have these memeber leave the forum all together.

I also like the invite only idea.
Although i have posted very few reports i can see where the top contrubitors could get discusted with lurkers taking over their spots. I have been a member of CFF for a while now (#191) and have fished with several members that have taught me alot of good tips and places. Now i just cant bring my self to taking over someones spot that they have spent their time and money to find (unless it's GrayBombers). Beings that i dont have the funds to go out as much as i want to i will proablly loose my speical forum status. I agree with the topic starter and give a generic report in the public area and more detailed here. I dont think there is a way to keep the lurkers from getting the info they want. If anymember post the required reports per month they get the Secret Society forum. Once their in here they will post generic reports just to stay in.

Now i know some of you have thought it but just didnt say it but there are a few TRUE CFF Members here that the forum has become a second home. We have made good freinds and learnt alot too. Now i dont want anyone to bash me but what about if the backbone members of the CFF had a speical Paid membership area say $25.00 per year. The public could still get the same treatment but the paid members had this section here to ourselves. I have seen alot of change on the CFF in the past 2 years some for the good but most for the worse. Like stated above I joined on as member #191 and you didnt have to worry about lurkers or people only wanting to take and not give. Now we got alot of takers and a few givers. It was so much better back then.
i think i do a pretty good job posting fishing reports with lots of information without giving my spots away and i think everyone could do the same but if you took someone with you and showed them your spots alot of people cant keep quiet about them! thats why i dont take too many people with me and if i do i dont show them my best spots just a couple pretty good ones if i did i couldnt get a good spot when i went been there and done that! just my thoughts. emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoToast
If we make things too restrictive on this contrib board, then we will miss out on a lot of good folks and great info.  I think 10-12 reports over a 3 month period is a little too high.  I think we have all experienced stretches due to work, family, etc, where we can't fish much.  I think a historical post count is the way to go, but that is just my opinion.</p>

I will start with a poll to the contributors, about what you want to see from this board, and then we'll see how that works, and move onto the main board.  I think we need to keep it where you must be of "value" to the main board to view the contributor board as well.  Just need to think it through logically.</p>

Like I said before hopefully I will have a poll out by weeks end.</p>

Thanks for all the thoughts and opinions, its good stuff.</p>
I agree with skeeter HE WILL STEAL MY SPOTS emoEnforce , But seriously I think the biggest reason your seeing less detailed reports in the last couple months is TOURNAMENTS. I know it effects my post some.If you look back at my post you'll see I never cover the background in any if there's no tourny coming up. Not only because of lurkers being on your spot on tourny day but I fish against several others on here and don't want to give to much info. Some know I will share more thru PM'S But I don`t want to give a specific spot. I have no problem with tighter restrictions on getting in a certian area of the forum. You have to realize theres well over 2000 members now and not all of them are going to be trustworthy people. I know of some of these guys that are members. I think this page does'nt get used alot because it is a little to easy to get into right now. I will share with those that share but even some I see on here i`m not cofortable with. I look forward to the poll Bprice is going to put on here to see everyones thoughts.