Posting your fishing reports here...

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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If you don't want people to fish your spots don't post anything. If you post a bunch of productive reports everytime someone sees you fishing they will remember where and come back. Its just the nature of the beast.
This is a whole lot of huh-bub for nothing. The CFF has never required its members to type out GPS coordinates or drop personalized marker buoys to inform others of your private property on public waters. In fact, its never even required us to take others out to our favorite spots. The thing is, some have done it because they are generous ... and some have done it because they just can't shut their traps

I rarely give specific spots - though I will - but always try to just inform others of a generalized pattern. The funny thing is that I rarely read much into other's reports. I probably spend less time on the Reports Forum than any in here ... honest.

Anyone want "my" spots? If your TM is kicking up silt, you're probably in one of my haunts. Bonus points if there's deep water nearby, fallen trees, or docks in the vacinity. ;) There ... don't ever say 'ol RR never gave you anything.

Peace, love, and community holes...
Theres community holes? Holy Crap! Are they marked? Got a map of them? </p>

Rob, I agree with ya buddy. I really dont read them either. If there are general patterns being posted, i try to catch that and apply it but still, i cant say I've got anyfish off any set pattern I've read! I like reading the ones that flow like a storybook or have nice pictures..LOL! </p>
As a relatively new 'fishing report contributor', my opinion may not be worth much to those who have 100+ under their belt. However, I may be wrong about that, especially because I suspect I am less than half the average age of this forum = part of the future of fishing.

First, I believe if there is anything you know and do not want others to act on or copy, never post it on any public medium - electronic, paper or frequency.

Secondly, I think the heavy fishing pressure of the springtime will inherently make fishermen edgy, especially bass fisherman. That for one is why I think this forum is more enjoyable in the winter as the folks who fish in December and January really like to fish. I am one of those and never have issues with sharing water in January.

IN regards to finding others who have moved in on your 'territory': I am a little surprised about this. As example, I have a place I have found near the Riverpark that looks good on the sonar and from a fisherman's view. I have hit it hard for years as it just looks promising. And, I have never had great luck there. But, I see pictures on this forum every month of folks holding really nice smallies in that exact spot. No one showed me the spot. Others did reinforce my interest in it. And yet I would show it to people I take on the water. This pattern will eventually add pressure to that area. To me that is part of living in a wonderful fishing city with a thriving fishing population.

That said, when I show someone my favorite hole and how I fish it, I hope that they return to the hole and pull out a lunker. I believe good deeds will be repaid in full and most of us fisherman can use a little good fortune. ON the other hand, if I show a friend one of my holes and they in turn are rude and inconsiderate to me on the river, I would never hold this forum responsible. I would simply stop sharing my knowledge with that person.

I'm almost done.

Lastly, I'd like to thank everyone who has made this site what it is. I know relatively few of you but really enjoy you for the entertainment and the knowledge shared. I believe the premise for which this site was designed is to be applauded. Like most good things, people have to fight for them. I think its time we relax, enjoy the spring fishing, and fight to continue what was begun on this site just a years ago. I appreciate the time you 'contributors' took to read my opinion. I hope that it is useful in guiding this forum.
I learned about this site over a year ago and have tried to do my share of posting, though most my fishing is done over an hour south of Chattanooga. I do fish some right near Chattanooga but have not done so lately and even if I had I wouldn't have posted it on the open forum that everyone can see or if I did it would have been VERY vague. There are very few trophy striped bass (which is what I am after most trips) locations left and they HAVE TO BE PROTECTED. I like having a section like this where Contributors can help out Contributors, but not all the "all take and no givers". Even on a private forum I would be hesitant to give too much info unless I knew all the members were primarily catch and release unless it was going on the wall.

Anyway I think I like it like it is now EXCEPT I agree that you should have to have a certain amount of total reports posted to be able to see this section (like 50 or so). I like that you have to post a few reports every few months to still have access. No one wants this to be enother WMI Bass Fishing Home Page or GON bragging board with little to no info of value to anyone unless you are a guide trying to get business. If all the people that are posting reports quit posting on the regular reports section then the whole site will suffer as most the good fish (which is what people want to see I think when they are on the web looking at fishing reports) are caught by a small percentage of fishermen.

So what am I trying to say??? emoLaugh I guess what I am saying is I like it pretty much the way it is. I can post a Fishing Report and leave it as vague or as detailed as I want, and then if I want to give out a few important details or discuss how I figured them out, or other stuff with my fellow Contributors, I will do that here on the contributor only forum.
ok i really did not want to come out and say it but if people would quit giving away thier spots it would not be a problem! i have read alot of reports that gave away exact locations as long as it is like that people are going to fish them because they are too lazy to find their own spots it is alot easier that way!:(
The great thing about becoming a good fisherman is going out ang figuring something out on your own and when it is sucessfull having something to be proud about. People that still fishing holes purposely are people that have no respect and are never going to get any better at this game. The fishing reports are good to read but I am mainly trying to see what kind of pattern you had not where you caught them. I get to hit the lake once a week dew to work and family, so I have posted just a few reports which I thought were pretty detailed in what I used and what cover or structure was used. But I never got any feedback on them, not that I care maybe its because I dont post any pictures with them or something. Anyway what Im trying to say is if you really want to become a good fisherman you're better of going out and figuring something out on you're own instead of copying what everybody else is doing.
I called him today to ask just that... he asked the same of me! I've been sick for a week and on Spring Break with the family the week after that.... He said he's been out of commission and would be back soon.
Man... I though we were all guys and not full of drama like a bunch of 4th grade girls. I am serious enough to understand what's being said, but Rob summed it up. Share what you are willing to give away. If you aren't don't. Reminds me of one of the all time great fishing jokes - "he lights a stick of dynamite... hands it to the game warden and says you gonna talk or fish????"
Share something worthy of being heard. Share honestly. Don't take a picture of your honey hole in the background for there will be three more boats on it next weekend than there was last. If you fish tx and had a good outing, we'd ALL LOVE to hear your pattern and what you've had success on. It's going to change in a week anyway!!!
Have fun!!!!!
And for pete's sake, take a camera and take pictures! I want to see what you caught just like you want to see what we caught. If not, we'll put Doc1 on ya and you don't want that!
I found CFF when it was very new. I lurked for a long time before I was comfortable posting. I wasn’t fishing but a few times a year around Chattanooga, and not doing that very successfully. If I had not been able to see the fishing reports I’m sure I never would have visited more than a few times. I’m not an inexperienced fisherman, but I had never really fished using the methods good fishermen use here and in water that had no alligators. I have also had very little time to fish until I retired last year, so reading about how people catch fish here has been a great help. For example the first thing I learned was how to rig for catfishing at the nuke ( the where wasn’t a issue). Several people have posted about dock shooting techniques and from studying these and some remedial training from Cheez and Drumking I can get by. Those two guy also showed me some of their crappie holes, but I already knew about most of them from ridding down the lake and looking for someone fishing setting down and not from the forum. I am way too laid back to study the background of a photo to steal a fishing spot. I was already using Hi-Vis line when we moved to TN, but would never have tried Panfish Assassins if it were not for the forum. I’m hoping that later this spring someone will post how to catch Brim and Shellcrackers in some way that doesn’t involve a porcupine quill.

I’ll admit I don’t post as much as I should.. If I catch 8 fish in 12' on a pink jig and then sign on to the forum and find that 3 other people have posted the same information, I might not post. If DK has caught 3 limits in 12 min from a spot that I just left after catching 6, I’m probably not going to post. But 90% of the time that I fish I also post, I just don’t fish that much. If I think I have something relevant to add to the topic I always post. I’m probably am never going to express an opinion on anything other than fishing again. When I had to work I had to put up with the behavior you see occasionally on CFF, but I’m on island time now and someone else can deal with that. If any one wants to know about Brim fishing on MS River Oxbows or Crappie on the I55 corridor lakes, I will probably post volumes. But just like some people are short and others tall, some are verbose and I rarely say 2 words when 1 will do unless I’m with some one I know well.

I am very grateful to the people that have shared their techniques. I probably would still be driving back to Mississippi or to Kentucky Lake to fish if it were not for them. I hope people will continue to share things other than location and we can keep it available to everyone. Of course I don’t have the problem of catching so may fish that there is a queue of 20 people waiting to fish with me. If only.
Maybe my last post got deleted so I will say it again. We could always call out the people that misuse information. I can think of an example of someone that fishes a place I showed him practically everytime he goes fishing.
Three posts got deleted, and I'm not sure what they said wrong?
  One was Billy's?
This thread and the one in General Fishing section have run together pretty good. Maybe that is what ya'll are talking about with the missing posts.
Fishin' Junkie - 3/25/2008 8:36 PM

This thread and the one in General Fishing section have run together pretty good. Maybe that is what ya'll are talking about with the missing posts.
That is what I meant to say, thanks FJ
beetlespin - 3/25/2008 9:08 PM

Maybe my last post got deleted so I will say it again. We could always call out the people that misuse information. I can think of an example of someone that fishes a place I showed him practically everytime he goes fishing.

Well it sure ain't me since you won't take me fishing.emoPoke