RE: Pray for Jmax
Just got my computer back. I am doing better today and the pain can be tolerated. Yea...stupidity is one thing I do not seem to be short of this year. emoBang I was mowing my grass just like I have been for most my life. The grass was taller then I would prefer due to all the rain and not being able to mow it when it was dry. In short the grass kept getting the discharge plugged up. I have for years just turned the mower on it's side and kicked it out of the discharge. I did just that, however the only thing I can figure I did was as I brought my foot back I had to have moved it slightly to the left, at the same time I leveled off the mower to continue to mow. In one split fraction of a second the mower leveled onto my foot as I bought it back. It caught the end of my tennis shoe, my big toe and the two next to it. Half my big toe is still missing, no idea where it went, must have fed some ants. The next one looked like hamburger, the third was broke but stayed on. emoVomit
Blood was going everywhere, I was screaming for my wife to get her keys and she rushed me off to the emergency room. By the time we got there it was all I could do to stay conscious. I was three shades of white, shaking violently and jerking. Told me I was going into shock. They got me in and plugged me up to some computers and an IV. I was there for five hours while they tried to salvage what they could from my big toe and the second one over. About half my big toe is missing and a third of the second over is missing. It could have been a lot worse. emoAngel
The worse is over but please keep me in your prayers, they said toes can easily get infected and have complications. Not to mention a year of pain trying to walk on partial toes with ghost pains where the brain feels pain where your toe should be.
Between boat breaking, lighting hitting a tree in my yard and house, caught the tree on fire, knocked out some lights on the house, fried one phone, knocked out my phone line and my computer...... emoHoppingmad, also had a mouse chew through some wires on one of my air conditioners which blew the board, now loosing two halves of toes, I don't want to hear anyone talking about how lucky I am. emoRolleyes This year I guess you could say I am lucky but with "BAD" luck. However, it could have been worse so for that I am grateful/thankful.
Thanks again gang for all the thoughts, prayers, calls and offers for assistance. emoThumbsup Jmax