Question about stripers

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Jun 5, 2007
Carlisle AR
Chickamauga creek runs behind my house and there are 30 to 40 stripers hanging around an old spring that comes into the creek.They are in about 2 to 4 foot of water, and i was told by some neihbors they were spawning??? I tried everything in my tackle box, and the only thing that "some what" got their attention was a roadrunner jig. No takers though. I dont know if they bite when they spawn,but i need some sugestions, or tips on this type of scenario. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Forget the spawning remarks.It ain't happening.They are there for the cool spring water.If you can see them ,then they can see you and they won't eat ,usually.Try a bream about half the size of your hand on a 3/0 hook.The head of a small spot will work, too.Sunset is a great time to try this.If you flyfish,you might try a big white bunny strip streamer.Big jerkbaits at dawn have worked as well.They can be caught.
When stripers spawn the female will be at the surface and males will lay alongside and they together will thrash the heck out of the water, mixing the eggs and sperm together before they settle toward the bottom.  It is a sight to behold.  I watched this phenomenon below Nickajack dam a few springs ago.  They must have running water to have a successful spawn.  The eggs must tumble for quite a few hours in order to hatch.  If they settle to the bottom and get covered with silt, they will not hatch.</p>

I think stripers were stocked in the TN river because it was thought that they would not be successful spawning because the current was not strong enough for long enough.</p>

Lake Weiss is now overloaded with stripers because they did find good enough conditions up some of the tributary rivers to have some good spawns.  Not every year but enough to surprise some fisheries experts.  </p>
fishinvol - 10/2/2007 8:54 PM They don't spawn in the fall. try a fluke or get you some live shiners (bigger ones).

Catch a few bluegills and use them for bait.  Stripers love bluegills!! 
I just wanted to interject how glad I am you can spell. Would have increased the viewing of the thread, but changed the whole nature of the input completely.
yes, what they all said...How far back in the creek are you from the main lake? Have they been there all summer? I have always been curious on how far back they might travel. I know they look for the cool water in the summer and folks here in the Chattanooga area have little info that they are either willing to or maybe don't know as to their location in the summer. They will be leaving in the next few weeks for sure as they look to begin feeding.
emoLaugh at nimrod! jerdog, they are as far back as the old govenors lounge on hwy 58.Gonna definately go in the morning, so wish me luck!
Strippers!? I was referring to the possibility of misspelling "About" with an Irish brogue: "Aboot".

I don't know WHERE your minds are! emoAngel
Took some large shiners down to the creek this morning. NO LUCK! I had 2 on at one point but they came unhooked. After the first 20 mins of daylight they wanted nothing to do with anything. I even crouched down behind a rock just to make sure they couldnt see me. I could see the shiners in the water and anytime the shiner would wiggle, it would scare em off!! Im still stumped, its frustrating to see around 30 BIG fish 20ft from me and not be able to catch one!emoBang
Don't give up brother! I bet when you figure this will hit you like a lightning bolt, and them stippers better watch out!....stipers too
Has anyone run across a good map on-line of Chatt. Creek? I am not very familier with its path, and would like to study it. Thanks</p>
hoggerhead - 10/4/2007 7:03 AM

Took some large shiners down to the creek this morning. NO LUCK! I had 2 on at one point but they came unhooked. After the first 20 mins of daylight they wanted nothing to do with anything. I even crouched down behind a rock just to make sure they couldnt see me. I could see the shiners in the water and anytime the shiner would wiggle, it would scare em off!! Im still stumped, its frustrating to see around 30 BIG fish 20ft from me and not be able to catch one!emoBang

Stripe are very nervous fish. Just about anything spooks them.
You are wasting your time Hogger. Spend your time at the dam. Skinny Clear Water with monster Stripe is a waste of your time. I have wasted much of my time over the last two years trying to catch those fish with very little success. Early in the A.M. with live bait has been the most productive but still I can catch the fish at the dam with less effort and frustration.
its a start! Went to sportsmans this afternoon and got some 8lb vanish line and some 1oz. gamakatsu circles. I downsized to medium sized shiners and caught this 9lber. Had a few hookups and on my 2nd to last shiner, i had a 15 to 20 pounder snap my line like a toothpick!!Might go tomorow morning, but definatley going with a bigger line in the future! I was gonna call it quits this morning, but spurhunters words got me on a mission! THANKS MAN!

Good job, looks like your effort paid off. Check that drag and let them run as much as you can, if you can. I know there are lots of trees and brush for them to break you off.
hoggerhead - 10/4/2007 5:22 PM its a start! Went to sportsmans this afternoon and got some 8lb vanish line and some 1oz. gamakatsu circles. I downsized to medium sized shiners and caught this 9lber. Had a few hookups and on my 2nd to last shiner, i had a 15 to 20 pounder snap my line like a toothpick!! Might go tomorow morning, but definatley going with a bigger line in the future! I was gonna call it quits this morning, <font color="#ff0000">but spurhunters words got me on a mission!</font> THANKS MAN!

Sweeeeettt!!!!!! My words did it even with mis-spelling strippers and stripers??? I have faith in ya! Get-um man!</p>