Quota hunts are out! What did you get?

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They finally got the youth hunts drawn and Catfinger got the first Yuchi hunt! Some deer are gonna die BIG time... emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoDance emoDance emoDance emoDance emoDance emoDance
I have been doing some very basic scouting, (mostly driving) around the nature park, I havce a few areas that I will hike through soon, I am realyl surprised I have not seen more deer so far.

I also took a trip up to Yuchi for the girl's Juvi hunt, jeez we saw a ton of deer including several bucks, only one was a shooter though. What sucks is, he wont be in that spot come Oct, but you never know. They have planted the whole place in corn, should be a free-for-all around those fields.

I was dissapointed to find out that the Juvi hunt has the same antler restrictions as the rest of the hunts. I feel like they should let them shoot anything they want, my .02. Catfinger wont shoot anything smaller than an 8 point anyways, she wants one bigger than her first, but many kids may not have ever shot a deer before.
I got ossabaw island in southern ga oct 6-9. Anyone know anything bout this place? Ant tips are welcome emoUpsmile emoUpsmile
SKIDROW37 - 9/2/2011 6:58 PM

I got ossabaw island in southern ga oct 6-9. Anyone know anything bout this place? Ant tips are welcome emoUpsmile emoUpsmile
Best I can tell we will be killin a few pigs Bill. We're goin to Ossabaw emoThumbsup emoToast
My son cut thru VW last night after ooltewah game......saw a huge 8/0r/10 pt...eating with about 6 does.
buzz - 9/3/2011 3:31 PM My son cut thru VW last night after ooltewah game......saw a huge 8/0r/10 pt...eating with about 6 does.

THat area is not part of the hunting area. Only the high-fenced nature park is open to hunt. </p>

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