Strato-G - 10/7/2018 6:39 PM
Everyone has to fish below Sulivans due to poop in water on upper end...can only fish filtered water...therefore all fishable water must havee run thru grass... emoSorry this is to protect weigh in personnel while handling those contaminated emoFish ....hope that clears where u are allowed to fish during tourny. emoDoh However you can prefish anywhere if u wanna take a chance of POOP infections..... emoPoke emoPoke jmo & I'm sticking to it................. emoGeezer emoUSA
billyc - 10/7/2018 7:48 PM
Committee having to work shouldn't have anything to do with making a decision on the ramp you have had about seven months or so .
50 hp is disadvantaged enoughcopyman - 10/7/2018 5:17 PM
Since nobody on the committee works, we were just going to wait to make sure you were at a disadvantage