Ranger Stratos bankrupt

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I guess the big factor in this chapter 11, is what will the bankruptcy courts do about warranties in most cases they limit it to current model year all others will not have warranty . that will decrees the value of the boats. and in a market such as the one were in that is not good.
I never could "regularly" buy a new boat - kept most from five to eight years. But I have to say my pay has increased more proportionatly than boat prices. When I bought my first bass boat in 1974 and paid $3500 for it that was over half my annual pay as a school teacher. My Skeeter cost about 35 percent of my annual pay four years ago. Of course I kept going back to school and getting degrees to increase my pay.
churly - 6/2/2009 3:10 PM

It was a sadder day when Genmar bought all of those lines! Coporate mergers and huge business never benifit the consumer and as is the case here, sometimes they become canabalistic! Sad News!

I could not agree more. Pretty soon foreign countires will own everything - we better brush up on our mandrin...
all & all said and done, we the public is still getting screwed. if you buy a new boat there probably has been no significate up grades in a long time to the top brand boats out there to justify $40,000+. motors on the other hand have improved, but not enough to lay that much money out unless you have it and then some. shoot as far as the above goes cars or trucks are not worth those prices. dont get me wrong i'm not a scruge by any meens but i like to get my money's worth. after all i'm the one sweating for it, just my 02 emoUpsmile emoThanks