Ratman's $500 TX April 17th

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fishinvol - 4/14/2009 9:54 AM

Jim you fishing this dogfight and then CBA Saturday?

My sponcer for the CBA is having surgery on his knees Friday morning so looks like we are out of the CBA for this one. I will be at the dogfight however to see if I can do some good. emoThumbsup Jmax
BBass - 4/14/2009 10:32 PM

Jim..did you bust PaulJ's knees for casting in front of you? :)

Nope,...that is what happens when you play simi-pro basketball and try to do what you did in high school when you are not as young as you used to be. The last B-ball tournament he was in in Atlanta he blew out both knees. He has been hobbling around like some old man. emoTskTsk Jmax
BBass - 4/14/2009 10:48 PM

Fishin' Junkie - 4/14/2009 8:41 PM emoLaugh That's funny Billy!

It was pretty good eh!emoLaugh </p>

That was pretty good. emoLaugh But you do know that Paul is 6'6" and a four time tough man champion. emoEek About now is the only time I would ever even think about making him mad. emoBigsmile I would just kick him in the knees and run. I don't think he would catch me but heaven forbid when he got his knees well. emoEvil Jmax
Updated list: 4/15/2009 5:pM

1. Popeyedpete and Ratman
2. Jmorri60
3. xrfoxracer and basscat
5. Jmax and Jason
6. paskeeto/wee-man
7. basser#9 and jdoldfort (Team Hit and Miss)
8. Tyler Ware and Lefty (Team Blind Squirrel)
9. BettleSpin and Fishinvol (Team Brokeback)
10. Hiwasee and FishinBen (Team Ramrod)
11. Wellsided and Matt Wiley
12. Xpress110 and DGeren
13. Seth and Brent Butler
14. cargotrailer and TC
15. JoeFishin and TBA
16. Catchman and TBA
17. foss and TBA
Bprice - 4/15/2009 1:47 PM

Sounds like Jmax has a man-crush on PaulJ... or shall I call it a bromance.

You guys just don't stop do ya? emoLaugh I got an idea, go up to him the next time you see him and tell him that. Just be prepared to wake up an hour or so later picking yourself up off the floor. emoBigsmile I was impressed with his fight career. I had no idea and the last time he lost the championship was to Butterbean's(the pro fighter) brother in Florida somewhere. His better half told him no more. She is about 5 foot nothing but I wouldn't want to get her mad at me either. emoHoppingmad Jmax