Riverpark 5lb-8oz Smallmouth with my Son 12-10-2006

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Thank's guys for all the encouraging remarks!. I have called him up from the TV several times to look at the computer and see his picture and all the responses. I may pursue a replica someday, but I did not take any measurements whatsoever and have no other mounted fish. He knows its a big fish and says he was glad to catch it but I don't think he really realizes what a prize it is being just an occasional bream and crappie angler. Thanks to RSimms for adding him to the Chattanoogan http://www.chattanoogan.com/outdoors/. Being in the news should help drive that message of what a great fish it is hopefully sparking more interest and certainly creating a very positive memory for him (and his Dad :)).

WhyWeCatchsoMany, Yep, I bet that was us that left just before you did. Nice to see you! Now I know what your boat looks like if it was a dark aluminum with a Tohatsu I think...

Polo-Dog, I was marking lots of fish both suspended and near the bottom at the upstream end of this particular river hole. Maybe the big ones were gar, buffalo, or just leaves - they don't bite spoons whatever they are. I normally just catch a few small bass, bream, and yellow bass, and a couple of rare 20+ cats in this location. It's a good spot for kids, but I always have a lot of lost spoons due to all the old nets or something (possible old commercial rigging I have pulled up) and structure near the bottom. Its got a nice eddy close to the bank that holds the boat in a good position dropping from 12-25 and then on to 35 feet like a bluff wall. It has a nice long stretch of deep water next to the bank. By the time we had drifted to the end of the hole I was actually not marking any fish but have encountered a few bass there in the past. It sure was nice to see what was in there today!
Way to go, young man. That tops my personal best smallmouth. Beautiful fish and a great memory to go along with it. David, I applaud you for taking your children fishing. emoThumbsup emoWorthy emoGeezer
that is a beautiful fish and you should be very proud of yourself for getting that one in! Thanks for sharing!
Good job Dhaun on getting him on the BIG one! Nice fish and great pics of the smallie man! Thanks for the post! Folks thats what its all about and I think he had a great time. Even tho he may not realize it yet, I think he will someday look back on this time and cherish it> Good job Dhaun!
WOW!!! David, you have to be so proud. That will be a moment I know you wont ever forget and I am sure Will wont either. You are an amazing Dad! Braving the cold AND putting him on a good one.emoAngel
20SS EXTREME - 12/10/2006 5:52 PM Dhaun, that should go into the CFF Hall of Fame. Tell your son, Great Job emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoWorthy emoWorthy emoWorthy

David will probably lock that picture in at the top!!!
Wow!!! Will, that's a really nice Smallie and I know how proud your dad is that he was with you when you caught it. It deserves to be in the CFF Hall of Fame for SHORE.
Keep up the good father/son fishing, it's the best kind.
Great fish pix and story. I love to hear stories like that. I'm certain he's spoiled now and bream fishing is a thing of the past. A moment in time that will last his life time...... "catching a smallmouth with his dad"......

That fish makes mine from last week look like a baby.

Congrats to the young man and the coach.
VERY NICE FISH young man!!!!!!! Way to go David, you're raising him right - what kids want from their parents is time and you're doing a great job. He's got me beat by a pound and I've been fishing for 40+ years so it really is a fantastic catch!