rude tourney fishermen

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Sep 22, 2007
What is the best way to keep tourney fishermen from being so rude. I'm camped out on deep hump and catching fish, then here comes one or two boats and they pull up within casting distance and start fishing. I know that I don't own the lake, but there should be something done from the tournament level. The excuse that "I'm in a tournament" doesn't make it right for them to push me out of my spot.

Another disrespectful thing I have noticed from Tournament guys is the way they cull fish. I have seen them throwing their culled fish about as far as they can. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Do these idiots not understand that these fish are future 5# bass. They risk injuring or killing these fish. I guess that I held tourney fishermen as a higher level of fishermen and the ones that I have seen are just rednecks that have no regard for others or the resourses they are trying to catch
I was reading one clubs by-laws and they also stated 50 yards was the limit as to how close you should fish to another boat,</p>

there is nothing like common courtesy, common sense, and just plain ole good manners, I guees to change this kind of thing, It must first start</p>

with us, regardless what other Numbnutz do. emoSorry did i say that!! LOL my 2 cents</p>

I have fished TX for 30 years now and you always have some bad eggs that give all us respectful guys and gals a bad name,It's that way in every sport and getting worse.You will not find a better group of people than in Tx and most are respectful but some just don't care who they tick off or how they care for their fish.As Ron White says "You can't fix Stupid" Sorry for your bad experience and good luck with Fishing
Some of those people may just be ignorant. Unless someone lets them know what they're doing, they are oblivious to the fact they screwed up someone else's fishing. Just because they own a boat doesn't mean they are aware of the ettiquite of fishing around others. To most oldtimers, it's common sense, but it may not be to a newbie.
I agree that allot of people take our habitats for granted. The fishermen should try eveything in their power to perserve the young and smaller fish, because just like you said those are the futures of angling. As far as people pulling up to you and fishing, I agree with most people on here in that they should be treating others better. I'm sure that if you did that to them and pulled right up on them, they would pitch a fit. Hopefully there are people out there lurking and reading these, and maybe it can impact other boaters even if its one at a time.
Brother, I have it happen all the time. What is even worst is to be in a tournament, then to have two or three boats from another tournament try to run you off the lake.
Get their registration number and hopefully they are out of the same ramp and you can turn them in. Most rules have a "sportsmanship" rule. I am concerned on the way the fish are treated. I was carrying fish to the release boat for the FLW tourney at Loudon and I said something to a younger guy who would stop and take a big fish out of the bag. That is so disrespectful and gives the so called "environmentalists/conservationist" crowd ammo to complain. I just spent 20 minutes last week trying to revive a fairly large largemouth that had been injured in the gill (Please release me works wonders!). The guy I was fishing with was amazed that I stopped fishing to do it and I wasn't in a tourney. As far as hole jumping, I tourney a lot, and if I see someone on a planned spot, I will ask if they will let me fish with them, if not I move on. I share info all the time and it wasn't a few minutes ago that someone asked me to take them to my humps and ledges for their next tournament. No problem, just respect me if I show up to fish them on the same tournament....but I am amazed sometime at the rudeness.
I tell you what... I can hear what you are saying, but I'll give a complete counter point to your generalization.... though I have had the EXACT SAME THING happen to me on Chick more so than anywhere with the rudeness. I agree completely. There are some people with TERRIBLE manners, but I must say that I went to the CBA weigh in on Saturday morning at 6:30am. Now here are well over a 100 guys with 20k to 30k or more boats and they were tired, some pissed their fish wasn't there and not winning AGAIN.... etc... yet throughout latter part of the weighin I saw more than a handful of members up to their butts in the water, wading around caring for fish. They took really good care of them during and after the weigh in. I surely know they get nailed for dead fish... and NO ONE wants to weigh in a dead fish. These guys fizzed these fish, revived them. Sometimes a number of times on the same fish. Out of all the fish that were caught only a handful of fish were not able to be revived. IMMEDIATLY put on ice and in a bag to be used by someone to make a bass sandwich, which last time I saw that was okay to do as long as they are KEEPERS, which they can get 5 of, and it looked like to me those guys all came in with five fish. Only 5 out of 400+ my estimate.
Churly did it again last night, a seasoned tx regular here on Chick, working his fish gently and reviving them properly. And he knew the fish were biting, but stayed on task.
My point and not to be rude to you gpreeves or anyone else on this thread, but I can defend the majority of the bass guys around here. They care a ton! And they don't like people pulling up on them either.
You must have been fishing treeman buoy right up above soddy creek? Are you the guy in the white bumble bee that is always sitting there?

Chickamauga is pathetic! There are about 10 places like that where there are always 3 boats fishing. If someone pulled in on me like that I would be less than friendly. I would make my boat pretty wide.

Rod Munch
I don't know that I have ever seen a tournament fisherman chunk a bass as far as he could when culling. There are some jacka**es out there, but I have never seen that happen.
When $$$$$$'s are up for grabs, common sense, a lot of times, goes out the door. Most bass fishermen are great guys who go out of their way to help the fish and other fishermen. Then there are the jerks.....enough said DK.
I greatly appreciate all the comments that were posted. In retrospect I feel like I was whinning a little, but for three weeks this happened to me each time I was out. I do believe that their are a lot of good guys and gals that fish. I shouldn't have grouped everyone in the same boat. I went to the spot last night and another fisherman was on the hole, he caught more fish than I could imagine. It was better than waching fishing on TV. I hope that he didn't mind me watching and learning a few techniques. You know I pondered one of the quotes, and dawgone it, it is hard to kidnap a fatman.
I get tickled when I hear people cry about how crowded the lake gets. My advice to them is sell your boat and buy a bow, then apply for every hunt at AEDC, then report to us how peaceful it was to be alone in the woods! HAHAHA

My point: The lake IS crowded and will only get worse and you just have to learn to deal with it, or pick another hobby! I see 25+ lb bags of fish weighed in at most big tournaments and those guys have to deal with the same conditions you do. I will agree that there ares some jerks out there.
churly - 6/26/2008 2:08 PM

I get tickled when I hear people cry about how crowded the lake gets. My advice to them is sell your boat and buy a bow, then apply for every hunt at AEDC, then report to us how peaceful it was to be alone in the woods! HAHAHA.

Hahahahahaha! LOL!!! My associates now want to know what in heck I'm laughing about!

Yep, rude people are everywhere.
Who says all these people are fishing Txes? Has anyone been to the Nuke Plant in the last 2 months..LOL! Betcha over 90 percent of those guys arent fishing for money. ;) </p>

Lets realize that it more than just Tx anglers here. emoThumbsup </p>

BBass - 6/27/2008 2:42 PM

Who says all these people are fishing Txes? Has anyone been to the Nuke Plant in the last 2 months..LOL! Betcha over 90 percent of those guys arent fishing for money. ;) </p>

Lets realize that it more than just Tx anglers here. emoThumbsup </p>


I know Billy, but Tx guys are easy targets. emoPoke emoBigsmile emoGeezer JK ,all you tx guys. Don't get mad at the drumking. Just having a little fun on the 'puter. emoFish emoGoofy
Some people know better some just dont care, if you find a good way to handle it let us know. i usually keep a digital camera on board just in case. But I dont belive its actually against the law. You could probably file a complaint but good luck. the twra tries but they are like everybody else, under staffed and overworked.

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