derek81 - 5/17/2016 7:44 PM
usaswim1 - 5/16/2016 11:15 PM
skeeterj01 - 5/15/2016 6:31 PM
Triton20xHarris - 5/15/2016 8:26 AM
Everybody complains about boats idling and casting torwArds them. Some of y'all need to see how the pros fish offshore community holes they'll be 3-4 lined up rubbing rub rails casting at the same spot. It's ledge season chickamauga isn't like Kentucky or pickwick with miles and miles of productive ledges there 5-7 good places they get on and there obvious places that 90% of the people on the lake know about. It's just funny how all these guys complain about people fishing close to them when there more than likely fishing a major community hole. If you don't like fishing close to people take up golf or tennis
X2 everyone says I'm tired of people fishing "OUR" lake. It's everyone's lake and everyone has a right to fish it. Some of y'all complain just to hear yourselves talk. There plenty of room at the golf course for y'all griping about the oressure on the lake. Worse than a barber shop hearing women complain and gossip.
Y'all must be the two guys that came in on canecutter and I... I understand a community hole, KVD probably taught you that word when bassmaster came here and you watched it on TV and heard him say it. Fishing a big point or a some sort of structure or a known ledge spot is one thing... Cutting in front of someone by about 20 yards over a random spot of the river is being a douche. And of course it's not "our" lake.. Just like "You" shouldn't feel entitled to come in on a spot someone else is fishing, acting like "you" own the place. It's called courtesy, learn it or one day you will be catching some hands from someone.
Your post comes off as moronic. Neither of them mentioned being okay with cutting someone off or did they bad mouth anyone.... So why would they be catching hands from someone? I know both of them personally and they are both stand up guys who I'm willing to bet can catch their own fish without the need of being rude or in your words being a douche.
The ellipses indicated a change of thought. That was not a personal attack on them. It was just a general statement about the river and the mentality of certain boaters. One of them made an assumption about the post of canecutter without knowing the context. I was clearing things up.