Here is a screen capture from my Humminbird in 455kHz and showing 304' of bottom coverage. It shows 3 Different Made Made Structures in the Image. Can you locate and name all 3 Structures made by Humans???
Some of that is correct... There is a Road. It's not a Bridge but the remains of an Old Grits Mill. But there is one more structure you didn't get... It's a little more diffilcult to recognize but once you hear what it is will recognize it real easily.
Roadbed is there. This lake has lots of timber so I wasn't looking at the Brushpiles as man made but they are so there is one other structure. Rock Piles not really....but there is something else in the image and bottom half that is not been mentioned yet...
In this Image you are looking at 1/2 a Football Field of coverage to each side.
I will be adding an image that I show these features and intrepretation of the image so you can learn. Let's give it a little longer so others can guess. Here to help and learn about this amazing technology.
And I just realize this was with a Humminbird 1st Generation Unit 987c since date was in 2006. THe Second generation technology changed the direction and frequency of the SI Beams and created crisper details in the images.
Here's another image of the Hatchery
Grits Mill from another Angle and 2 Years Later with the 1197c and Gen2 Technology:
Another shot of the Hatchery with Gen2 SI from the 1197c...
do you have any pictures of big catfish that you could post. Preferably in deep water behind a hump or something like that. Also what is squared off depth change at the top? IS that you going over a point?
You can tell by the darker returns this is a softer bottom or silted. If you follow it it looks like it drains off the left end of the bluff. Looks like a drainage ditch to me.