In this thread I see lots of pics of spotted bass, one or two could be crosses (meanmouth) but I highly doubt it. Hybrids are less than 0.5% of the population (<1 in 500).
Lots of people have trouble identifying spots. Color is the worst thing to go off of, IMO. Also the whole behind the eye thing works well except when you have skinny or fat fish, for normal size ones it seems to work well.
Here is what Etneir/Starnes FISHES OF TN has to say:
SPOT: Sides of body with a distinct wide, often irregular, black lateral stripe or nearly confuluent blotches. Dorsal fins not well seperated, the length of the shortest posterior spine more than half the length of the longest spine; lower sides usually with rows of dark spots; tongue with a rectangular median tooth patch; basal one-third of soft dorsal and anal fin membranes with scales; mouth smaller (than largemouth), the maxillary not extending behind eye;
LARGEMOUTH: Sides of body with a distinct wide, often irregular, black lateral stripe or nearly confuluent blotches. Dorals fins appearing well seperated; length of shortest posterior spine less than half the length of the longest spine; lower sides without rows of spots (may have a few scattered dusky spots); tongue without rectangular median tooth patch; soft dorsal and anal fin membrances lacking scales (a basal sheath one scale row wide may be present); mouth large (doh); the maxillary extending behind eye in specimens over 150 mm
SMALLMOUTH: Sides of body lacking a black midlateral stripe or blotches, being uniformly ducky or with vertical bars. Scales above lateral line 12-13; dorsal fin soft rays usually 13-14; lower sides rather uniform dusky (although color varies greatly).
The book goes on details of other traits that you can count to help further seperate the species.
One other key I look at is the lateral line. Smallmouth start flat (near the head) and then angle upward (about 15 degree upward) and then arch to the tail where the lateral line flattens back out. On Spots the flat area is shorter in length and the you don't have the ramping upward, just a continous arch (slightly taller too) until the tail area.
So this is how I id a spot vs smallie:
1) Mouth size, behind the eye thing
2) blotches along side (spot has them)
3) dorsal fin (spots conected, smallies not)
4) tongue patch (spots have them)
5) lateral line curve (see above)
6) Scales above lateral line (smallies 12-13).