Spraying Petition

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2016
Harrison Tn
I've seen a lot of posts about all the spraying that goes on and I was wondering if anyone has ever looking into possible ways to put a stop to it. Has anyone looking into starting a petition to ban spraying on the lake? I know fishermen will support it and boats will oppose it but there are a ton of neutral people in the area that neither fish nor boat that may support a ban on spraying because they do not want chemicals going into their ecosystem or drinking water.
We had a petition with thousands of signatures about 6 years ago. You need to petition your local representatives.
bwoemerger - 8/29/2017 10:19 PM

Saw a bunch of dead catfish and perch today and wondered if spraying has anything to do with it
Every time I see on here that someone saw air boats I see dead cats floating.
David if you ask people here they aren't spraying it's weather and water related that's why we have hardly any grass below the 60 bridge. The water above 60 does not have current does not have the same temp does not have the fluctuation that the chick has below 60 and they have different weather above the magical 60 bridge (insert sarcasm here)
They spray every year . Same public places . Still waiting on someone to spot a spray boat where they aren't supposed to be .
I fished from Washington creek all the way down to Sale creek today. Mats everywhere above 60 bridge and not much tall grass at all below.
Why would they be spraying Lowe Slough? That's State Park property, not a dock, ramp or swimming area anywhere!! I agree with TN Bullet on his point, above the 60 bridge has had the same water level, same water temps, same weather patterns, probably less current...and the grass is thick up there! Seems less and less that this may be a natural occurrence!
They spray the public access area in the back of lowes slough where people swim and put kayaks in, and have for 3-4 years now.
Yes, that is a good article. No one particular problem but a combination of things happening. Weather, over zealous dock owners, TVA regular spraying and the possibility of illegal spraying.
Good article. I don't put the lack of grass off as 100% spraying. The weather has definitely been a factor. My concern is the fact that I'm still pulling up dead brown grass from grasslines that were green a week before.
Add in the fact that grass is thriving up near Dayton where the water is always 5 or so degrees cooler and the current is stronger and it makes you say, hmmmm.
So basically, what is the difference between the water above 60 bridge and the water below 60 bridge? They spray both, but the Hiwassee runs into the TN right at 60 bridge. If you want to start a conspiracy just start right there instead of the spraying. I was told a couple years ago that once they put Wacker in up river on the hiwassee that the pipe that runs into the water there might contaminate the water and hurt the fish. Who really knows but I would at least give the spraying conspiracy less attention and put more attention on where the grass stops and starts.
Hook1 - 9/4/2017 10:43 AM

Sorry for my ignorance here, but where is Lowe slough? I know I've seen it on my maps but can't picture it.
The second slough over from Harrison bay road.

I was wondering why we still have 30 plus pound bags at local tourneys! What seems to be the problem with grass not being where we want it be this year? We have all the newest electronics to go find fish and it would be great to see miles of grass like Guntersville but this year it is just not so. Next year when the grass comes back full force what are we going to say then? It is fall and the weather is turning cool and the pleasure boaters are dwindling down and it is an awesome lake. Could be worse but Mother Nature has her reasons.

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