OK, new update.
I left the hospital at 2:30 yesterday afternoon, since me and the Doctor thought things were looking a little better as far as the pain goes. We hauled butt home to get showered and dressed for the memorial service, (since I missed the funeral), and riding in the car was brutal. I was in tremendous pain and had to dope-up really heavily to make it through the hour. Last night, sleep-wise, was OK, as I took all the meds I was allowed to take, but only out of pain when I am lying flat on my back. Soooo, now I have plans to get back into the hospital this evening or first thing in the AM to have the procedure done. I hope it can be arranged so I can get back on my feet. This is stone #8, so I am really getting tired of them, but this one really takes the cake. I have never been this sick, or in this much pain for so long. Lets pray this goes without a hitch and gets me some relief.