Strange flow numbers and flow in WT creek

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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what the heck does my pond have anything to do with it ?
I think the pond variable you have put into the equation means you have been eating your Berkly Alive baits rinds when ya get the munchies, after sun drying hydrilla and smokin it
Delay is going to make it confusing. Generation changes water levels fastest and most significantly at the dams. I have waded the Hiwassee many times and with the warnings stating generation may change at any time I have spent alot of paniced time wondering if I will be swimming. The Hiwassee seems to still have a faster reaction in water level than the Tennessee river resevoirs and creeks close to it. The flow is obviously steeper. The flow in and out of bays on Chikamauga seems disjointed with generation because of this delay. I quit including the generation numbers of Watts Bar and Chikamauga in my fishing log because it is so disjointed.
Alright guys I didn't want to get technical but here is the real scoop. I know you have all heard of the stories of the man-eating Giant Cats that live at the dams. Well it's true! When the turbines start up it scares these giant creatures. They have but one way to go and thats down river. When you have two or three of these man-eaters cruising at top speed it creates a venturi effect causing a vacuum in the creeks which in turn causes the water to flow into them. Just be glad there is no more than a handfull of these creatures. This is the main reason I moved on the mountain. Beware!!! especially below Nicka-jack.

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