Suggestions for fishing post content

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2005
Ok, first things first. This is just my two cents, these are the elements that I find helpful in a fishing report. I think that these elements could be incorporated a lot of the time without being so specific as to give our honey holes away. I'd appreciate it if anyone has anything else they find helpful to please post and let us know what you like to see in a fishing report. This ain't rocket science so bear with me. I also pledge to do my best to follow these guidelines in all my future posts. I'm recovering from surgery right now but when I get out there this spring (may be kind of late spring) I will be a good example and be mindful of including as much of this information as I possibly can.
  • Water temp.
  • Did you fish falling, rising, or stable water level.
  • Current information. Was it the dead sea or was the current ripping. How did the current impact the fish.
  • Actual date fished in case you are posting a late report and body of water fished if not in the post title.
  • Typical depth fished.
  • Numbers and species caught. Let everyone know if you found the fishing fantastic, great, ok, not so good, or just terrible. The best way is to let us know about how many fish you caught.
  • Most productive cover, was it laydowns, stumps, rock, flats, bluffs, docks, ledges, grass mat, grass edge, whatever. Again without giving the farm away I think we could be more generous with help. The CFF was founded on anglers helping anglers.
  • What lures / baits worked best, didn't work. Color and size is nice but again I respect that no one wants to help their competition when a big tournament is coming up but any color / size / type help is very valuable for the person who maybe doesn't get to get out a lot and when they get to go they want to catch a fish or three!
  • Any presentation information that worked and any that didn't work is very helpful. You know stuff like, very slow, or yo-yo retrieve, vertical, top water, or burn the bait fast just under the surface as examples.
  • General part of the lake or river such as say upper Chick or Riverpark. Nothing too specific but at least the general area.
  • General weather facts such as air temp., wind intensity, wind direction, was it sunny - cloudy, raining.
I know this sounds like a lot of information and many people are not only people of few words spoken but fewer words typed but any information you can post just gives back to the CFF fishing community. I'm looking forward to seeing some posts with feedback about this. Thanks, ChooChooSnakeMan (James)
Your suggestion is well-taken, but the first step would be for Somebody to post Something !
This site used to have a lot of activity but has fallen off to basically nothing.
Only a few postings in this new year.
Right now there would be a need to find some clearing water.
I don't know where that would be.
Below the dams is usually productive regardless of turbidity.
I presume that the tailwater access is open at riverpark.
Any suggestions are appreciated, for TN river or Parksville.
My 2 cents is because it(theforumtournies) started off as a weekend get together for fun and fellowship but it has turned into a tournament trail with to many rules so participation dropped . Again just my opinion.
I agree with both posts. I had posted earlier about how the decline of this forum followed the moving away from what it was founded to do, which is anglers helping anglers. I loved the tournaments, especially the early days. It was low key, and even then there was an atmosphere of people helping each other, however the CFF wasn't founded to just be a tournament trail. It was many years after the CFF started before the first event was held. I just think the CFF became too tournament trail oriented, not being critical of those who ran it. They did a good job and we should remember that they were unpaid volunteers! My suggestions for what a fishing report should contain is in the spirit of encouraging us all to post our fishing trip results in order to promote fishing and the CFF.
I am reluctant to recommend specific fishing areas because they are so hard to come by.
These are crowded enough without further advertising.
Access is limited, especially at this time of year and more access is needed.
One benefit of a fishing forum is to lobby the tva/corps/twra/county to develop more ramps.
Bass, striper, trout and walleye are heavily pressured so why not target panfish ?
I like to eat fish as much as catch them.
Any yellow bass and bluegill I catch go into the bucket, as a mess of these make for some fine eating.
These fish need to be thinned out, as they tend to over-populate and be mostly of a small size.
By April 1 backwater ramps such as Bear Branch should be usable, so we can look forward to that.

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