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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Our day can only be discribed as "The big one that got away." Both me and Paul J had on bass that would have got us a check. emoBang Paul's was a very big one and might have won it for us and took Big Bass. emoMad We started off in pretty good shape boating a 3.28 lber and a 2.78 lber in the first couple of hours or so but other then a few slicks we just could not seem to put the other one in the well. emoAngry The 3.28 was off a 10 inch worm and the 2.78 was off a swim bait. We decided at 10:30 to head for some grass shallow flats where we boated a couple more slicks and finally off a grass batch just off a point a good one that looked around three to three and a half came totally out of the water and crushed my spook. I set the hook hard, could not turn it and it buried up in the grass. We went to it but it had come off. emoBang At about 12 we hit a long point that came out into the main lake and PaulJ finally got our third keeper. It was so small however he almost threw it back before checking and I told him it was so long and skiny that I had better make sure. To both of our surprise it was 15 and a hair so he rounded off our limit. Try as we may we kept catching slicks. At 2:30 I told Paul I had one more place to try before we headed back, weigh in was at 3:00. His first or second cast he gets a hard hit on a jig and sets the hook. emoEek Rod doubles and he yells "Its a good one!" I started to go for the net and his line breaks. emoBang If that isn't bad enough as we are standing there discussed it comes up trying to throw the jig hung in it's mouth. emoDoh IT IS A GOOD 5 TO 6 LBER!!!!!!!!!! We were sick. Time was up and we headed in. Our three went 7.69 lbs which was good for fifth place. They paid four. emoBawl...first out of the money again.

David Craft and Buddy took first with 12 something, Rogie Brown and his partner took 2nd with just over 10, Damon and his partner took third with 9 something and Bumble Bee Kid and Rigsby took fourth with 8 something. Like I said we needed to get rid of that dink and we would have had a check. :(

It still was a great day on the lake and we had a great time. It is always nice to be in the race even if you don't come in in the money. We had our chances and blew it.

C-ya on the water. Jmax
Thanks for showing up today Jmax and I know how you feel when we got bumped last tournament.Big thanks to all the CFFers that fished...FISH HUNTER.PAUL J.,JMAX,ROGIE,BEE21,JASON,MUDBUTT,BUMBLEBEE KID,AND RRIGSBY.
Sounds like you had a good turnout Cutthroat. Craft, Gross, Brown, Rigsby, Kizzah. Pretty tough crowd. Sounds like you all had a great time. Brown is tough to beat on any lake. Great catch guys.
Jmax that makes me feel sick, it came up and tried to throw the lure huh, thats nasty. Better luck next time.
JMax maybe ole Big Boy will be there when you go back next time and you'll boat him, emoSmile emoThumbsup WIsh you had put him in the well but I know you had fun anyway. As good as Ya'll are at the bass I know finishing out of the money sucks, emoVomit Next time, emoThumbsup
It was good to see you guys out there this morning. It is too bad when you lose a big fish and you are in a tournament, that's why I don't fish tournaments much, at least one of the reasons.
tyler ware - 10/11/2008 9:51 PM

Jmax that makes me feel sick, it came up and tried to throw the lure huh, thats nasty.

Trust me I can feel the pain... emoRolleyes It was a great bass and I believe would have easily gone over five, maybe 6. PaulJ was trying to convince me he knew it was a big one, he said he fishes a jig all the time and that was a big bass. I will admit I was not too convinced it was even a bass for sure but I was taking his word for it. emoEvil Right then was when it came up just about 15 feet from the boat, about 8 ft from where he had hooked it, I was just happening to be looking there as it did. He was using a rattle jig and the big girl was thrashing back and forth, you could see the jig and could hear those rattles going off. emoBawl She was a hoss. I can even now close my eyes and still see it. I know Paul was about as down on himself as a guy can get. emoSorry We talked about a money fish all day and then to have one with only 30 minutes to go and have it do that is about as bad as it gets. However it is better to have loved then not to know love at all and I believe that is true about a big fish. It is better to have the chance and hook one that you loose then to not hook one at all. emoHeart Jmax
That is a tough deal JMAX. We lost our two biggest fish today also. One right at the boat! emoBang We just couldn't do any better than 7th place today....and that was because 6th place had 1/100th of a pound more than us!! emoVomit emoBigsmile Good job with the 5th place. emoToast
I have been sick all weekend because of losing that fish. I had nightmares about that fish last night. I keep replaying the fish in my mind and hearing the rattles on my jig rattle. I will never forget Jmax asking me "Did your jig have rattles on it?" That was my fault for using 14lb test. I think I said a four letter word or 2 and would like to apologize to Jmax and any others around that may have heard me. Always next time.
