Tennessee Football???

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Sep 23, 2005
Jax Florida
OK guys, somebody please remind me of why we should have a warm, fuzzy feeling for Fulmer. After all, in college football sh*t rolls uphill, not down. Didnt we use to be wide receiver U? Didnt we use to know talent? Didnt we use to recruit at the top? Did Phill break a mirror or cross a black cat or something? It really sux when an average " joe fan " knows that a turnover is coming based only on being inside the 10. </p>

I guess somebody will say that we were playing a better team or that we have a new coordinator or new quarterback or some bull like that. We CANNOT exucute a scoring drive for nothing. </p>

Whats up with the play when Crompton goes wide right and Jones takes the snap? Why not get Cromptons sorry arse out, put a wide out there and pass the football? The boy can throw as good as Crompton, probably better. Can you get more predictable? Hes going to run, no sh*t.</p>
I'm with ya Flip ! I have lost most of my faith in the Vols. That team is the most undisciplined team I have ever seen. It's really hard to watch right now!!!
Fulmer is about as good a coach on the field as I am in the boat. At this point the best thing that can happen is we loose about 6 more games so we can get a new coach. Hell go get spurrier
The great pumpkin might have crossed a black cat,but i'd say it's the same old routine thats been in place since J. Majors could'nt win and stayed on as coach until i lost all interest in Tennessee and all the rediculous nonsense that goe's on. On and apparently off the field as well. As long as the fans keep packing the stands it will probably remain that way..... I'll bet Randy Sanders was glad to get away from the stupid that can't be fixed.
It's butt ugly to say the least, and the bad thing is it's getting worse every week
And there'll be another 100,000+ paying motards at the next home game as well. Well if we just could have scored instead of turning the ball over, we would have beat UCLA and if we wouldn't turn the ball over today twice inside the 5 before half time I might add, we just might have changed the moment in our favor. Enough is enough, get a new coach, cause ours sux. Our teams offensive line was arguing today during several plays which shows we haven't a team. The coaches need to get a grip and set some folks on the bench that can't play as a team and for heavens sake, put somebody in there that can throw the freaking football. That was pitiful today on the coaches and the players part all the way around. This looks like this is going to be a extremely long football season cause several more of our opponents are in the top 10 in the nation and kicking arse and taking names. I can tell you the alabamians, geogians, south carolineans, vandy boys, kentuckians and the list goes on can't wait til they play the little tangerines this year.
Discipline. Discipline. Discipline.

Every time they give Full Philmer a raise or contract extension, I fall on my knees and thank the lord above. It's not the players, flip ... they've got the players - and always have - they just aren't coached. Offsides, delay of game, missed tackles, poor special teams, late hits ... the list goes on. The middle school coach at almost any area school can teach a 20 yr old to not jump offsides ... why can't Fill?

I pose you this: rank the SEC coaches. Let's face it, this is an elite group, but Phulmer ain't ANYWHERE near the top (hint ... on my own poll, even the 'great' Spurrier is dead last). Johnson is the best coach in TN - it's true. He gets more from less than Fhill does. Spurrier just doesn't care anymore. He can lose every game and he still gets to play golf w/ no expectations on the gridiron. Croom can coach discipline. Brooks can coach discipline. Lord knows Richt, Saban, Tuberville, Nutt, Meyer, and Myles can all coach it. Bama had FIVE penalty yards today (I think) ... how many did UT have? Florida had ZERO turnovers ... how many did UT have? UT is failing because they can't play fundamental football. Period.

For what it's worth, Eric Berry is a stud. The guy never fails to impress me. They need to play him both ways and Pearl needs to start him on the BBall team too ... that kid is awesome.

Oh, and Notre Dame lost again today. Go Spartans!

We're gonna see what kind of team my beloved Tide has next Saturday in Athens. Roll Tide Roll!!!
Where was phat fills foot?? When it was 3rd and 17, we needed a first in a real bad way. Any dip sh*p q-back would be saying to himself " I gotta throw, I gotta throw, I cant run, I cant run. Then the idiot runs. Thats where Phills foot should have been planted, up Cromptons arse. I say bench his butt and call it a rebuilding season, at least that would be the smart way out for a washed up, burned out coach to get another year or two.
Its not so much coach, its more about the organization... lets face it...they just extended the guys contract for pete's sake...smart move, I don't think so...but par for the course... GO HEELS!!!
hoggerhead - 9/21/2008 6:59 AM

I dont get it, Fulmer was GOD 10 years ago, and now he's crap. What changed?[/QU

What happened was those percentage numbers that everyone was rating him by really don't mean crap if all your wins are against teams that a middle school could beat.... emoGeezer
Don"t think Bama will beat Georgia between the Hedges, but will be very goood game. This thread is typical of TN fans if they lose every one hates Fulmer an want him gone or it"s the QB's fault but if they win he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Come on people get it together be a true fan and accept the loss an think bout beating that team next year. This is exactly why I am NOT a TN fan because of the other TN fans. "GO DAWGS"
Watching Fulmer on the sideline Saturday early in the game loosing his cool was very informative. He was not coaching (like Petrino was during the BAMA game), he was loosing his cool to much. He did not seem to be in control of himself. Seeing your coach loosing it is not very encouraging on the side line for the players. Then today on the Phil Fulmer show he had a scowl on his face. He is not happy with the team, but he needs to coach them up instead of loosing his cool.

Phil Fulmer is not one of the elite recruiters or coaches in the SEC right now.

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