Tennessee Valley Bass Club

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I am not a member of this club so this is just a bias comment, I am sure most of the people asking these questions about membership are not going to apply for this club. So why stir the pot by cornering them with asking them why so and so cannot fish there club. If you have applied and you are asking questions then I have no comment to you but I would say most that are asking haven't and probably will not. Just my opinion.
actually i'm interested in joining this club but i'm pretty apprehensive when two people i know and consider friends are not welcome. i was interested in joining SABT but i've always heard bad things such as they make up rules as they go. TVBC sounds like it would be fun as they will be traveling to other lakes besides chickamauga but if there's a bunch of politics involved it would basically take all the fun out of it.
I would love to fish just sounds like a bunch of politics to me.I would like to find out a little more about the club
mr erwin,mr harnon, this club was started because some people in your old bass club made some bad decisions a couple tournaments ago so you started this one. well i think your doing the same thing just like the tuesday nite dog fight that started at 6.30 remember they wouldn,t let you fish so you guys started you own at 6.pm it didn fell good did it. an so this new club is doing the same thing the guys from dalton did.it you should call it the tenn valley click bass club.a bass club should be open to all not a select or chosen few reguardless if he or she is a boater or no boater,black or white,young or old or you do or dont like their partner. what god has created for us you would think we could be human enough to share it with our fellow sportsman an enjoy it together and maybe make some new friends.maybe its to must to ask from a fellow fishman. and just so you know the c.b.a. was the first bass club in history to join b.a.s.s over 30 years ago and still today its open to any and all fishman without being voted on,without bias. why is this bass club different? is it because the level of competition like the kites,the colemans,the browns,the grosses,the lambs,ect is just to much pressure for the old members to endure, my thinking is if you fish with the best an you beat the best you are the best that day. brad i think your fomat of fishing thur the winters months is a great idea i just wished you and the members of this club would stop an reconsider your membership determanation. there shouldn,t be anyone left behind that wants to fish not even a young boy or girl. i know you guys can do better than this.
I think the message was clear when they said we are looking for dedicated club members that will make this club their #1 priority. If you want to fish just one or two or even seven that would be great and that is why the open side was created. But being a member we are looking for people who will fish all the tx's on the schedule and race for the points and help promote and support the club. That to me makes a good member not skill level or coolness factor.Many people like fishing different tx's at different times therefore the open side should appeal to those if the lakes and times fit their schedule. That is why it was put in to place. As for the CBA that is great that they are old and bass affiliated, but this club is not here to compare it's self to any other club or trail and I believe there will be things that are unique to this club and good for it's members and open entries. There is no politics as you say involved here and if you feel you would not be accepted into the club as a member you should ask yourself "why"? emoScratch But EVERYONE is welcome to fish the open side even if you do not apply for membership. I think everyone will be suprised at the payout also. IMO if you have fished a club and were a loyal member to that club, that to me says alot. We just want members to promote, support, fish, and be loyal to this club. I don't think that's too much to ask of any member.
Thanks JTODD
Sorry guys but this is the way this is coming across.
"Members who we can beat are welcome, but we have an open side so we can benefit from a fundraiser from all of the good fisherman. Your money is welcome just don't take our points."
It is a win, win situation!!??????? :emoticon:
Dang guys, drop it already. emoDoh If they want to screen who they allow in a club they are putting togather then they have that right. You don't like it...start your own. I can tell you now that I believe I would not be a good member. I am not going to commit to fishing all those club tournament they have listed or make their club first on my list. I understand what they are saying. I also will try and fish a couple of their open ones. emoThumbsup That sounds like a good deal and yes....that is a good way to raise revenue for the club. Never heard such whinning in all my life. emoBooHoo I bet some of you guys complaining are not planning to join in the first place. Please,...give it a rest. This is not helping anything and just going to lead to more hard feelings. emoPlease Jmax
glamb - 9/9/2009 3:59 PM Lance you are the McDaddy of cool, RJ just wishes he be cool like you. Your my hero when I grow up I want to be just like you.

Greg, why would you wish to be over weight bald & haveFishinvol & Jmax as a partner?emoPoke I'll get it for that one!</p>
2jigs - 9/10/2009 9:08 AM

glamb - 9/9/2009 3:59 PM Lance you are the McDaddy of cool, RJ just wishes he be cool like you. Your my hero when I grow up I want to be just like you.

Greg, why would you wish to be over weight bald & have Fishinvol & Jmax as a partner?emoPoke  I'll get it for that one!</p>

Not from me, I agree with that whole heartedly, some people just ask for problems. emoBigsmile Jmax
I have been trying to put on a few pounds and i'm already bald. Now for fishing vol and jmax maybe I didnt consider the whole package of being cool like Lance. Maybe I should stay not so cool like ram jack. Thanks 2 jigs for bringing this to my attention. I may have to visit my shrink jmax is right i'm just asking for problems.
IMO the way this club has it set up with the voting is a good idea. This club is designed for a points race (an yes winning a little $$ is also a plus), but if someone wants to join the club just to fish certain tourneys when they are on fish so they can win the $ and not show up on tourneys at lakes they are not good on, then they just need to stick to the open side. If your wantin to fish for $$$ then fish with the big boys in your BFL's, ABA's, BITES, and etc.
Jmax - 9/10/2009 8:47 PM

Dang guys, drop it already. emoDoh If they want to screen who they allow in a club they are putting togather then they have that right. You don't like it...start your own. I can tell you now that I believe I would not be a good member. I am not going to commit to fishing all those club tournament they have listed or make their club first on my list. I understand what they are saying. I also will try and fish a couple of their open ones. emoThumbsup That sounds like a good deal and yes....that is a good way to raise revenue for the club. Never heard such whinning in all my life. emoBooHoo I bet some of you guys complaining are not planning to join in the first place. Please,...give it a rest. This is not helping anything and just going to lead to more hard feelings. emoPlease Jmax

JMAX WHO ASKED YOU???? emoPolice
I agree with jmax on this one. They have the right to vote who they want. If a person or team has been caught cheating or being bad sportsman in the past they shouldnt be allowed to fish in any tournament as far as i'm concerned. If they're honest fishermen that continuely catch 25lbs and no one in the club has the time or talent to do that then I can see that point to. I wouldnt want to go to the local dragstrip and have to race John force every week either. Everyone wants to fish among people with similar skills and avaible time to spend on the water and the same morals when it comes to following rules so you can go to the lake each time feeling like you can compete for the win With that said let these guys have their club and if we want to see what kind of club it is we can fish the open side.. Just my 2 cents
As a board member I can assure that at no time has skill level or ability come up in a conversation about potential club members. The only concern has been whether the person or team can commit to fish the entire schedule. This is a points race and it is a group of guys that want to fish with each other twelve months a year. We aren't interested in someone that will only show up on certain lakes or certain times of year, or if their tournament schedule has a break in it. That's why we created the open side that anyone can fish anytime and which, by the way, has a great payout.
hiwassee - 9/11/2009 6:33 AM As a board member I can assure that at no time has skill level or ability come up in a conversation about potential club members. The only concern has been whether the person or team can commit to fish the entire schedule. This is a points race and it is a group of guys that want to fish with each other twelve months a year. We aren't interested in someone that will only show up on certain lakes or certain times of year, or if their tournament schedule has a break in it. That's why we created the open side that anyone can fish anytime and which, by the way, has a great payout.[/QUOTE</p>

CFF appreciates you guys passing this info along. I hope everything works out for the best this coming year. </p>

Just remember, all we ask is that you post your tournament results, and maybe a few reports here and there, after each event. </p>

Good luck in your upcoming season!</p>
Thank you Howie. Beetle Spin, you are correct that ALL tournaments will be day tournaments. We will have ALL the dates locked in on Monday and then we will put our Web Site address for anyone one that is interested to go and visit. Howie has worked hard for our club to get our web site up and running. We are very pleased with it, and want to make sure everything is correct before we release the address.

Thank you

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