The curse of the Ericks is powerful....I did not even have to go fishing with them to get bit by it...all I had to do was talk to them about a trip. BAM emoEnforce I am cursed. After talking with EricM about a skipjack excursion I left my cousins and headed home with the boat. His drive is a half mile long and bumpy. The boat trailer came unhitched from the truck and I looked in the rear view mirror to see the boat and trailer sliding along behind the truck. emoHoppingmad The trailer tongue was on the ground and being that I am not superman I got the truck jack out and started jacking. I jacked it up to what I thought was high enough to get the trailer jack rotated around and locked. The trailer jack only lacked maybe an inch to lock. I tried to lift and pull at the same time to get it to lock. Then the double whammy curse hit.... emoDoh the trailer jack folded up, the truck jack fell over and the entire weight of the boat and trailer came down on my big toe, right foot...... emoVomit I screamed like a girl !!! I managed to jerk my foot out from under it, crawl to the truck and get my cell phone. For three days now I have been wearing an orthopedic boot, taking pain pills, and bumping my sore toe at every turn. I was warned and I shoulda known better than to plan a trip with either of the curse brothers....... emoPoke My toe is kind purty tho with the shades of blue, black and green intermingled in with hues of skin tone. Oh woe is me ...I now have a trip planned with the two of them at the same time and we are taking my boat......I need a prayer chain started in my behalf. emoPoke emoPoke