cheez - 9/24/2010 9:59 PM
outcaster - 9/24/2010 9:06 PM
Let's see....
He promised to would reform healthcare.... check ...uncheck... he allowed the economy to get worse while creating what will inevitably be the most corrupt beurocracy ever.
He promised to use federal dollars to try to stimulate the economy..... check... uncheck...spending $500 million to create 500 jobs. Now that is something to be proud of. emorolleyes
He promised to end the war in Iraq.... check...uncheck he promised to end war in Iraq in AUGUST 2009 AND bring troops home. Neither happened
He promised to keep the Bush tax cuts in place for 98% of all Americans.... check...uncheck He was not going to but was forced to by congress afraid of losing their jobs
He promised to establish a credit card consumer "Bill of rights".... check...uncheck Credit card companies raised rates to highs not seen since Carter.
He promised to reform Wall St. with increased regulations and oversight..... check...uncheck no reform that I have seen
And Yes! Republican policies DID get us into this mess. Some of you have SHORT and SELECTIVE memories, and need to be reminded from time to time. Good ole American Capitalism ground to a complete halt in 2008. And yes, HELL yes Republican policies drove us to that point. People want instant results and gratification. The economy will get better, maybe this year, maybe the next year, or the next. And when it does, it will be at least in part be the results of the things being done now. The other side, Republican/Conservatives offer absolutely NOTHING to get this economy back on track. I wonder why that is??? Could it be that since their policies created the crisis.... somehow those same policies are gonna fix the crisis? Reminds me of a George W quote....."There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
This paragraph is the opinion of liberals. The economic crisis was caused by liberals forcing Fanny and Freddie to make mortgage loans to people who could not pay them back. Started with slick Willie and company. Just came to a head during Bush's term.
Republicans offered several solutions to the crisis but did not have the votes to get them passed.
On November 2 you will see who gets fooled again.
What is so difficult about swallowing your foolish pride and admitting you made a mistake by helping elect olbummer? Most of the country already has.
I guess there is some sort of misguided honor in going down with the ship. emoscratch