The Shack, by Wiiiliam Young

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tyler ware

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
I know several of you all on here have already spoken of this book, DK and NA, and I believe FA, well now TW has something to say about it. WOW! This has to be one of the best books I have ever picked up. I got it Wednesday evening, and finishing the book Friday morning, and I truely believe that the way I walk the walk of life will never be the same again. If you have ever felt the Lord was away, like life was getting hard. If you have ever been scared, tried to secure your security. If you have every wondered why things happen the way they do, and get mad. If you have ever lived on the planet earth, and came out of a woman then this is a book you have to read. You ever want to put on the armor of GOD and not know where to find the armor of GOD to begin, well here is a good start. You ever read through the Bible, rereading stuff you feel like you have read 100 times and trying to find something new, something to make you feel as you have felt with the Lord before, then you need to read this book. I am truely blown away!!!!!!! Thanks DK for first introducing this title in your signature, and thanks NA for talking about how DK and FA had talked you into reading it. I feel as though the blinder of life are taken off, like I can live and think in the now and not in the future. If I have ever been at peace about all things, economy, terrorist, environment, religion, politics, enemies, health, my sins, friends, family and the Trinity, well now is that time. I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!!!!

I've picked it up and referenced passages so many times, it's amazing. I bet I had to re-read half of the chapters after completing them because I wanted to make sure it wasn't so simple! No need to feel shame that you have been going to church for years and not really able to put your arms around much of what you read, hear, learn.... this book puts a simple face on what has eluded me for years. FA and I have spent a great deal of time together over the past year. When we start talking about what we have learned, you can't help but go emotional just talking about some of the things this book illuminates. But I picked it up at the right time in my life. When I needed it most, that's for sure. Glad you liked the book Tyler. You are a good man!
I too have read this book and can say without shame that my life has been changed. My faith has become stronger and I hope to share this book with everyone I know. I have already thanked Drumking for exposing me to this book and do so again. So many things have come to light for me and I invite and encourage everyone on this forum read it and share it. Thanks Tyler for sharing! Al
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Well, what can I add to this??? My good friend DK brought a copy to my house as a gift from him to me and also, Madbomber got a copy. I have read it 3 times and see new stuff each time I read it.... my my my, what a blessing. You will cry, laugh, and thank the good Lord for his blessings. I have told many folks about the book. thanks, DK each person that has read it can give a testimony about how it has affected their lives.....FAemoGeezer Although it is fiction it will make you wonder and do some deep thinking.......get a copy ...You can find the book at Sam's or most Wally Marts....around 10 bucks.....</font>
Thanks for the reviews on this book... I'm headed to a business conference in Vegas this week and will need something to read on the plane, in the airports, and spare time... I hope to find time tomorrow to go look for a copy emoThumbsup I'd like to read it emoSmile
I bought a copy tonite emoSmile ... hope to read it while I'm traveling ... thanks for the suggestion folks! Looks like a good read emoThumbsup
TAzGa - 10/25/2008 12:26 AM I bought a copy tonite emoSmile ... hope to read it while I'm traveling ... thanks for the suggestion folks! Looks like a good read </p>


<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">be sure you read the sets the stage so to speak....FA</font></p>
Yeah Taz read the foreword also. Man this will change you. has made a man cry more than once, just on looking back at what lights have been lit. I feel giggley. WOW!
I have read The Shack after strong reccomendation from FA. No doubt the author is talented. I felt good when I finished the book.
I cannot however elevate this fictional book to the level of the real Word of God.
cheez - 10/25/2008 6:57 AM I have read The Shack after strong reccomendation from FA. No doubt the author is talented. I felt good when I finished the book. I cannot however elevate this fictional book to the level of the real Word of God.</p>


<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Nothing can replace the Word of God.......I would not even think of doing that but the book gives ya something to think about on a practical level ....FA</font></p>
Teh real world of God is far beyond our imagination. It allows the mess we create in our own heads to be clearified from the outside point of view. Then through this we can start to get the logs out of our own eyes. When you just cannot see it, its hard to see where to start to get things back in order. And to even think of elevating this book to the Bible is far from what I am expressing. This view has just allowed me to rerealize that the Lord is right there with me at all times, and it is I that pulls away from him for reasons that I have created. Cheez I would never let anything replace the true measure of trueness, the Bible. I know this, that Fiction book has changed my outlook my non-fiction life.
Guys please don't misunderstand my comments here. I did not mean to be insulting or confrontational. I just want folks to know that if a fictional paperback book can change your life that you should try the real Word with prayer,study and meditation.
I do agree with prayer, and study and listening to the Lord, but Cheez sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees, and the Lord uses many ways to influence our thoughts. Each man has a different path, but always must be built on the foundation of the Lord. No confrontation here. Just don't want to sound as if this is my Bible, but Jesus uses stories many times to convey an image.
I too have been greatly blessed by The Shack. It does not replace nor diminish the impact and importance of God's Word! God's Word will never be overshadowed nor defeated in this world as Truth. Whenever we read a book, even the Word of God our mind interprets and envisions the content as we comprehend it. The Shack is an allegory written by a human but it challenged the interpretation and imagery that I had envisioned God, Jesus and the Spirit. It helped me understand more clearly what God has been trying to saying to me through decades of church and study of His Word. I was the failure in my interpretation, not God nor His Word. God WANTS/CRAVES a relationship with us and will be or do whatever is needed to try to open our eyes so we will understand that true happiness and freedom comes only in Him! Awesome!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
Well said Salecreek! I hear exactly what you are saying Cheez. I too have felt that way for years. But I must admit that after years of participating in organized religion, I got caught up in what the institution had made it. This man who wrote this book has great insight into his interpretation of the Word and helped me get my arms around many things that I was unable to do so on my own. I cannot think of another peice of inspirational fiction that I have ever read. This one hit the nail on the head and definitely made me be at more peace than any peice I've read. Glad so many of you felt the same.
How was the Bible written? How was the OT written? Holy men of old wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. How was the Scripture cannonized? Who determined what all God has said? Our own Bible (my most precious book), declares that if all the things that Jesus said and did were written in a book, then the whole world could not contained the volumns that should be written. I can say amen to that. The Scripture also says that it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit. The letter of the law killeth, but the Spirit gives life.

Religion has blinded the minds of men and has kept them segregated behind walls of doctrine, stained glass windows, and has kept the church in a continual state of immaturity. We have boy teachers leading congregations who aren't even mature themselves and have no answers to give to those who desperately need them.

If someone reads a copy of this book called 'The Shack' and cannot sense, feel, or become aware of God's presense or His inspiration, and not understand how much of a personal relationship that God wants with his greatest creation, then you must be dead, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.

Jesus made a statement one day. 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God'. He also said in another place - 'My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me' I'm going to tell you brothers and sisters, that God is reaching the world through vehicles that the church has condemned and He will be found among the drug dealers, prostitutes, drunkards, and outcasts of society that the church has turned her back on. I hesititate to say it, but God is using CFF to reach people that the church has rejected by their legalism and judgementalism. I'm telling you guys, there is a more perfect way and we don't have to live the way that the world's system says that we have to live. The real Jesus is about to stand up in the earth and the world (especially the church world) is going to be shocked at what they see and what they behold. As a matter of fact, the whole creation is groaning and in travail waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. And we ourselves, groan within ourselves waiting for the redemption of our body. Our body is the corporate man that is spoken of in Ephesians chapter 4. Read it by the Spirit.

If you think less of me now because of what I have just said, let me say it loud and clear. I don't care what you think or say. It won't change me. I know in whom I have believed and I am persuaded that he is able to keep me against that day.
drumking - 10/26/2008 1:27 PM

How was the Bible written? How was the OT written? Holy men of old wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. How was the Scripture cannonized? Who determined what all God has said? Our own Bible (my most precious book), declares that if all the things that Jesus said and did were written in a book, then the whole world could not contained the volumns that should be written. I can say amen to that. The Scripture also says that it is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit. The letter of the law killeth, but the Spirit gives life.

Religion has blinded the minds of men and has kept them segregated behind walls of doctrine, stained glass windows, and has kept the church in a continual state of immaturity. We have boy teachers leading congregations who aren't even mature themselves and have no answers to give to those who desperately need them.

If someone reads a copy of this book called 'The Shack' and cannot sense, feel, or become aware of God's presense or His inspiration, and not understand how much of a personal relationship that God wants with his greatest creation, then you must be dead, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.

Jesus made a statement one day. 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of God'. He also said in another place - 'My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me' I'm going to tell you brothers and sisters, that God is reaching the world through vehicles that the church has condemned and He will be found among the drug dealers, prostitutes, drunkards, and outcasts of society that the church has turned her back on. I hesititate to say it, but God is using CFF to reach people that the church has rejected by their legalism and judgementalism. I'm telling you guys, there is a more perfect way and we don't have to live the way that the world's system says that we have to live. The real Jesus is about to stand up in the earth and the world (especially the church world) is going to be shocked at what they see and what they behold. As a matter of fact, the whole creation is groaning and in travail waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. And we ourselves, groan within ourselves waiting for the redemption of our body. Our body is the corporate man that is spoken of in Ephesians chapter 4. Read it by the Spirit.

If you think less of me now because of what I have just said, let me say it loud and clear. I don't care what you think or say. It won't change me. I know in whom I have believed and I am persuaded that he is able to keep me against that day.

Well Brother Dickie I reckon you aimed this scathing letter at me. That is ok my friend I won't think any less of you for it. You are entitled to your opinion just like I am mine.
I guess William Young is the next Charles Russell or Joseph Smith.

Collosians 2:4

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