The Shack, by Wiiiliam Young

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I know my Mom has this book..she has yet to pass it my way due to my outlook on things. Faith is often blinded by religion.
Sounds like a great book..I need to get it.
cheez - 10/26/2008 8:45 PM

drumking - 10/26/2008 1:27 PM

Well Brother Dickie I reckon you aimed this scathing letter at me. That is ok my friend I won't think any less of you for it. You are entitled to your opinion just like I am mine.
I guess William Young is the next Charles Russell or Joseph Smith.

Collosians 2:4

Didn't seem like a scathing letter to me, but apparantly it was scathing to you. I'm sorry that you think that I was comparing William Young to Joseph Smith. I didn't even mention the author's name. Your reaction to the favorable comments by others quite frankly, surprised me, expecially since our many talks while sharing the boat together.
I have just as much respect and love for you now as I ever did. I have great peace about everything that I shared and I hope that we get to fish together again some more.

Colossians 2:8
Brother Dickie not only is your letter to me scathing but I feel like it is an undeserved rebuke. I never said anything negative about The Shack. I was merely cautioning people to not elevate this book above what it is. I also did not say that you were comparing William Young to Joseph Smith. That was me being the facetious person that I sometimes am.
I have enjoyed it as uplifting fiction, written by a man of Christ. Just as I've enjoyed The Left Behind Series as well... I love reading Christian fiction, as it holds my attention more than most. The best line in the book is when Jesus makes the statement during the Judge scene, "We talk." I cried when I read that.
Cheez, I feel like both of you are my buddies and I'd like to say that I don't think DK rebuked you or was speaking to just you. You sounded out what I think many people think, but may not feel motivated to write or say. Maybe look at it as DK was talking to those.... everyone who reads this. He's passionate about spreading the passion he has found and relates to. You are a good man Cheez. Read the book. I'd love to hear what your impressions are. For the first time in years, I feel like a "rookie" again.
And I was wrong before... I read the "Left Behind Series" too. Got through the first 5 books and then just gave up on it. Didn't think they would stop...
NA I have read the book. Go up a few posts and you will see. I would never have made any comments either way if I had no knowledge of the contents. The Shack is one of the best books I have ever read. It left me feeling like a better person. I have however experienced God in the same way in two different churches as well as in my own studies of the Bible. There is also a LOT more to God than what The Shack portrays. That is why I said what I did about the way people are taking the book.
I see what you are saying Cheez 100%. Nothing will ever replace the TRUE word of God. But for some, the Church just doesnt give them the direction that they are looking for and need to seek other ways to find His work and inspiration to follow in His steps. I agree that the Bible is the only way to get His word in the truest form, but I think we should encourage folks to seek His presence in any way possible. And if a fiction based book opens someones eyes to the ways of the Lord then we should be happy
XLDVee - 10/27/2008 9:59 AM

I see what you are saying Cheez 100%. Nothing will ever replace the TRUE word of God. But for some, the Church just doesnt give them the direction that they are looking for and need to seek other ways to find His work and inspiration to follow in His steps. I agree that the Bible is the only way to get His word in the truest form, but I think we should encourage folks to seek His presence in any way possible. And if a fiction based book opens someones eyes to the ways of the Lord then we should be happy

I agree 100%
Sorry to overlook that Cheez. I can tell you this, the Shack made me take in the Word in a way that I cannot recall. Maybe it helped me arrive at some peace that allowed me to be more open. Good stuff though. And fruitful conversation.
I will make one more point on this subject (on here anyway) and then I will shut up. If The Shack leads someone to seek God beyond it's pages then I will concede the material to be Holy Spirit inspired. Whenever God's Holy Spirit is involved there is fruit.
Love,joy,peace,longsuffering,gentleness,goodness,faith,meekness and temperance. This fruit is manifested in the lives of people that have been changed by the Spirit of God.
When someone tells me they have been changed I am joyous for them like you would not believe. I do look for fruit to be born from the change. Jesus said "you will know them by there fruit" Jesus did not tell us this to hear Himself speak. Satan is the master counterfeiter. He can make people "feel good" all the while he is leading them away from the truth at best and at worst he is devouring their soul. Evidence of this deception is EVERYWHERE, even in some "churches". Lakeland, FL and Oprah Winfrey are some recent examples.

PLEASE everybody PLEASE do not think that I have said The Shack is from Satan. I am not saying that at all. I know how things said, especially on the internet, get misinterpretted. There is no eye contact so consequently it is difficult to convey thoughts through a keyboard. I am simply and earnestly offering a word of caution about "new revelations".
Nickajack Angler - 10/27/2008 11:35 AM

Cheez, I feel like both of you are my buddies and I'd like to say that I don't think DK rebuked you or was speaking to just you. You sounded out what I think many people think, but may not feel motivated to write or say. Maybe look at it as DK was talking to those.... everyone who reads this. He's passionate about spreading the passion he has found and relates to. You are a good man Cheez. Read the book. I'd love to hear what your impressions are. For the first time in years, I feel like a "rookie" again.
And I was wrong before... I read the "Left Behind Series" too. Got through the first 5 books and then just gave up on it. Didn't think they would stop...

This is my final comment on this thread. Thank you for saying what you did, Spence. I was not rebuking Cheez or anyone else with my post. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickness in high places. If someone has conviction come on him when he/she reads something like my post, they ought to check internally and talk to Jesus about it.

If the Lord used a dumb ass to rebuke a prophet, then I guess that he can use me. I will be the dumb ass to speak when I am nudged by the Holy Ghost. If he used a rooster to convict one of his closest disciples, then I will crow from the housetops what he speaks in my ear. This spirit that wants to limit what God has said or can say is what I was coming against. Not another human being. If you have an ear to hear, then hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
Wow... I think you all convict me to be a better man. At 40 yrs of age, I only find out how much more growing I have to do and find how much more I do not know. Thanks guys. Good thread.
That's just it NA, a walk with God has no Final Destination, there is no end point, we are NEVER done. It not really even about where we are on the path, it is just being on the path.

Before "the fall" of man, what did god do? He came to the garden daily, to walk with, talk with, be with Man! We were ashamed and WE hid. What does God want most now? To walk with, talk with, be with, man, Daily, but we still hide behind our sins. Jesus wiped the sins away where we could not hide, yet we still try. We've put God on this high mount we are not worthy of climbing and seeing him or talking to him could mean death, He is great and we are lowly, and that is the EXACT opposite of what he wants. He wants us as close to him as possible at ALL TIMES. He wants to be our creator, our father, our best friend!

And I have great respect for the bible, I try to get into the word as much as possible, however if you think that collection of books is all god was, is, and will be you are missing out on SOOOOO much. God is in the eyes of my chilren, when they laugh, He sings! God is in the breeze at the lake, God is in everyone you pass. God is next to me typing this, God is next to you reading this.

Sorry, I've rambled. These conversations get me excited. God has done so much for me, that I can't help it. But I see so much being said about God and in his name that is Not him, and I think few see the true God that I have to spout off.

Love to all!

No need for apology DB. Great post! I too see God in my daughters eyes. I see Him in the Autumn color change. I see Him in all kinds of lights, some are just taken for granted. I hate to admit it, but its true. Too many times i fail to see the Lord when He is obviously speaking directly to me. it is always after the fact that I realize how clear the picture really is!
Great post DB. Very well said and so true. We sometimes try to make a relationship with God so complicated that we miss His blessings. It really can be easy if we get out of the way and let Him lead.