Not a very exciting hunt Im afraid. As I had said, Tim and Micheal saw the mass migration of deer on Saturday, while I only say a spike and a wide racked brute through a thicket, pretty lonely for sitting that many hours.
Sunday was just me and Micheal. About an hour or so after light, I looked right, saw him walking by, saw long tines, rasied, shot and that was it.
It took all of 3-4 seconds.
He took off the same way he was headed, crashing into everything, so I felt good about the hit. All went silent, and I got worried. Micheal is about 350 yards from me and said he heard it crashing through, I got really worried it had gone farther than I thought. I gave it 25 minutes and started at impact location...nothing. Walked the direction I saw him run, about 15 yards down I looked up and saw him laying there dead. he made it about 40 yards total, VERY little blood trail honestly as the bullet didnt exit. Shot placement was perfect, broke a rib going in, rib going out after crushing the heart, through part of the shoulder, no bone though, and logged just visable under thin layer or meat against the skin.
I process all my own deer, so never weighed him but can assure you he was every bit of 200 on the hoof, probably more like 250. I process a lot of deer from IL that a buddy kills and this could have been one of his smaller kills, (most are well over 300 lbs)
just his neck meat alone was over 25 lbs.