Theft at Skull Island Ramp

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Fishin Fool

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2006
I don't post that much to the forum anymore but I wanted to let everyone know about a problem at Skull Island Ramp. Fishing Fire and I went up there yesterday in his Toyota truck pulling the boat. When we got there the ramp was PACKED. We ended up having to park on the far end out toward the road. There were people fishing off the ramp and lots of people camping across at Skull Island.

We came back in about 8 Pm because the wind began to gust and whitecap the water. He cranked his truck and immediately we heard the roar........someone had crawled under his truck, in broad daylight, with people all around, and had hack sawed the catalytic converter off! To say we were amazed was an understatement. We called the police, only to find that we were the second incident that day where a converter was stolen. In addition apparently one more incident was interrupted at Wolftever by an alert fisherman but the crooks got away with only a description of the car, which was a light blue sedan.

I urge everyone to take care and be on the alert when you are up there at Skull or any other ramp. The price of copper and platinum has gone through the roof and these jokers are making $50 to $100 on the stolen converters. (looks like someone would investigate the people BUYING the cur off converters). I could not get close enough to ID the people but I did see them exit the lot at high speed when I came into the channel. They were in a light blue or gray Pathfinder or some type of light duty SUV. Just thought I'd warn everyone. Be sure and call the Sheriff if you see anything suspicious up there.
It aint just cat converters, Newer model Ford truck tailgates are also a hot theft item, as well as Nissan truck tailgates. So lock your tailgates.

Sorry to hear about the cat converter, some people are just no darn good
Not trying to advertise but masterbend muffler and brake is really good in cleveland and very resonable, sry to hear about that
I know how you feel Terry, thieves got me last week on the wife truck, at least mine wasn't a cat converter. Slowing economy+high metal prices put minor criminals into major-theft mode.
Hey those people who are in the business of buying that stuff are SUPPOSED to be helping curb this type of theft. It's happening everywhere. Hearing the same from my buddies in MN as well as NC. If you've got a truck or SUV watch your truck. But it happend right outside the front door at Lowe's in Kimball a month ago.... 10am.... Denali Cat Converter..... I'd love to catch someone on their back under my truck.... think of what you could do to a guy in that vulnerable position.
Thanks for the warning. And thanks for the other post about locking the truck tailgate. Wasn't aware tailgates were an item.emoThumbsup KF
I am sorry to hear of this Terry....I feel your pain Brother. Thieves are stealing my copper wire almost as fast as my guys install it in a new house. This crap has gotten out of hand in a big way. We had to wire one house three times and the plumbers had to redo the water lines twice because of the thieves.
I talked to sheriffs deputy buddy of mine last night, He said that the terds are drilling holes in gas tanks now as well. Maybe its time we start a neighborhood ramp watch.
Cathooker - 6/24/2008 4:50 PM

I am sorry to hear of this Terry....I feel your pain Brother. Thieves are stealing my copper wire almost as fast as my guys install it in a new house. This crap has gotten out of hand in a big way. We had to wire one house three times and the plumbers had to redo the water lines twice because of the thieves.

The Dentist next door to me on Hwy 58 had his central air conditioner unit stolen over the weekend. This is on the main business area of hwy 58! We are pretty sure they took it Sunday. My unit was sitting about 4 feet down from his, but knock on wood, they didn't bother it. Everyone be careful. From what we heard yesterday from the police this is becoming an epidemic. We are installing cameras today to monitor.
Man, I hate to hear this. I pulled out & drove by your truck & trailer right about 8:00 but saw no one around it at that point.
I'm going to be real conscious of what's going on in the parking lot from now on. I launch at Skull regularly I am going to call a deputy I know to see if patrols can be stepped up there. Not too long ago when their was a rash of thefts, patrol cars began circling the lot when they were on Birchwood Pike & alot of this stopped for awhile.
If you all live or work in that area, call the police and ASK FOR MORE PATROLS thats the way they measure numbers to where patrols need to be staged.... Parked there today with EricM outing and carried my tackle bag and handful of best rods just to keep them with me. They can have the car!!!!!

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