The article talks of coordinating with Dayton to coordinate tournaments. Look at Fish Dayton calendar, all the major national and regional tournaments for 2019 were already scheduled, some months ago. The only major organization missing is MLF. Add CBA, CFF, the lake is pretty busy. This isn't including the small clubs fishing.
Hamilton county wants some of the $$$$$$$$$$ Rhea county/Dayton is getting. Had the same thing with Lake Champlain, millions to New York, pennies to Vermont, because New York pursued the fishing business. They also put serious money back into ramps, access and promo support.
What is needed, IMO, a master calendar, including small local tourney's to spread out the fishing. I am sure folks would rather schedule on a Saturday when the majors were not here , if possible. We did complain about the attitude Chattanooga could care less about fishing, Iron man etc was more important ? Got our wish.