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Sniperchoke - 2/23/2010 11:23 PM

Doc you still have failed to answer the question. Your dems had a filibuster proof super majority and they still failed to pass any healthcare legislation. Now how was that the Repubs fault again?
If it's ok Doc1 I'll take a shot at this one. You're right sniperchoke it's not the Republicans fault. The reason healthcare legislation has not yet been passed is because the President made a tactical and stupid mistake. That mistake was believing, that some (or any) Republicans actually cared, and wanted to help with fixing the healthcare problem. He wasted more that 9 months trying to reach out and gain support from those committing themselves to his and this Nation's failure(the Repubs even said so). He should have realized 2 weeks into the healthcare discussion that it was a useless cause, told them to kiss his #$%, and used even a simple majority to pass the legislation, and do what is the right thing to do, ....what he was elected to do. In the meantime valuable time was lost on other issues. The problem that I have with Obama, is that he wasted much of the first year in office trying to be a good guy and gain bipartisan support when he really didn't need it. I have called Republicans a lot of things, but one thing I have never called them is STUPID (How else can they get an idiot like George W. Bush elected not once, but twice). I now believe Obama has learned his lesson, and we may get something on healthcare soon, and maybe a jobs bill too. Sniper you have failed to answer a question I asked you several weeks ago........ Name the top 10 great conservative ideas (opposed by liberals) that have improved the lives of average Americans in the last 100 years..I've asked that question to a lot of people, and after Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt it gets kinda weak.
outcaster - 2/23/2010 11:55 PM

Sniperchoke - 2/23/2010 11:23 PM

Doc you still have failed to answer the question. Your dems had a filibuster proof super majority and they still failed to pass any healthcare legislation. Now how was that the Repubs fault again?
If it's ok Doc1 I'll take a shot at this one. You're right sniperchoke it's not the Republicans fault. The reason healthcare legislation has not yet been passed is because the President made a tactical and stupid mistake. That mistake was believing, that some (or any) Republicans actually cared, and wanted to help with fixing the healthcare problem. He wasted more that 9 months trying to reach out and gain support from those committing themselves to his and this Nation's failure(the Repubs even said so). He should have realized 2 weeks into the healthcare discussion that it was a useless cause, told them to kiss his #$%, and used even a simple majority to pass the legislation, and do what is the right thing to do, ....what he was elected to do. In the meantime valuable time was lost on other issues. The problem that I have with Obama, is that he wasted much of the first year in office trying to be a good guy and gain bipartisan support when he really didn't need it. I have called Republicans a lot of things, but one thing I have never called them is STUPID (How else can they get an idiot like George W. Bush elected not once, but twice). I now believe Obama has learned his lesson, and we may get something on healthcare soon, and maybe a jobs bill too. Sniper you have failed to answer a question I asked you several weeks ago........ Name the top 10 great conservative ideas (opposed by liberal) that have improved the lives of average Americans in the last 100 years..I've asked that question to a lot of people, and after Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt it gets kinda weak.

But I thought Obama was gonna reach across the isle and actually listen to some of the ideas of the republicans....and he was televise the discussions on TV? What happened with that? Why didnt he use his majority to pass his bill? Could it be that some of the democrats smelled a rat and decided maybe it wasnt the best thing for the country? I mean...they could have passed the bill...they had the majority...did they not?
The reason he didn't pass it is because he was not truthful with the American people. Remember the healthcare debates were supposed to be bi-partisan and aired on C-Span. Never happened and the American people called him on it with the elections in Mass. and New Jersey. Do you forget that 85% of us are happy with our healthcare. Do you forget that government programs are always full of corrupt and wasteful spending (ie. Louisiana purchase, and Corn husker Kickback). Do you forget that all gov't entitlement programs are bankrupt or soon to be bankrupt (ie. Social Security and Medicare). You can live in a fantasy world all you like but the facts and the truth are plain to see for anyone with any common sense.
Sniperchoke - 2/24/2010 12:11 AM

The reason he didn't pass it is because he was not truthful with the American people. Remember the healthcare debates were supposed to be bi-partisan and aired on C-Span. Never happened and the American people called him on it with the elections in Mass. and New Jersey. Do you forget that 85% of us are happy with our healthcare. Do you forget that government programs are always full of corrupt and wasteful spending (ie. Louisiana purchase, and Corn husker Kickback). Do you forget that all gov't entitlement programs are bankrupt or soon to be bankrupt (ie. Social Security and Medicare). You can live in a fantasy world all you like but the facts and the truth are plain to see for anyone with any common sense.

Sniperchoke - 2/24/2010 12:11 AM

The reason he didn't pass it is because he was not truthful with the American people. Remember the healthcare debates were supposed to be bi-partisan and aired on C-Span. Never happened and the American people called him on it with the elections in Mass. and New Jersey. Do you forget that 85% of us are happy with our healthcare. Do you forget that government programs are always full of corrupt and wasteful spending (ie. Louisiana purchase, and Corn husker Kickback). Do you forget that all gov't entitlement programs are bankrupt or soon to be bankrupt (ie. Social Security and Medicare). You can live in a fantasy world all you like but the facts and the truth are plain to see for anyone with any common sense.

Maybe you misunderstood. I am totally blaming Obama for not getting healthcare reform passed. He should have known better than to engage the Republicans on healthcare. Republicans have a 50 year history of being in the pockets of the heathcare industry and opposing any and all reforms. Did the American people not believe him then he said he would reform healthcare, appoint liberal leaning judges, close gitmo, shut down the war in Iraq during the election campaign? This President is doing exactly what he said he would do. Make no mistake here... people are pissed because the economy has not turned around yet. #1 rule of politics: the Economy/Jobs. Things like healthcare, and even the War (while important) are not top of the list. You're right 85% of those WITH healthcare coverage are happy... what about the poll of those without healthcare insurance. bet its somewhere around 0% happiness. And I'm hardly in a fantasy world and have plenty of common sense... just ask my psychiatrist lol gimme a break!
Go had and vote the Republicans into office and see where that will get us... Remember, Bush's first term as president, Republicans were the majority... What was accomplished then??? Absolutely, not a damn thing, so Democrats lose Congress, with a Democratic President... They will get in there try to remove restrictions on most of the business's that got us to the point we are, make a mess of things, then blame it all on Obama...

Remember the days when Republicans stood for conservatism... They spend just as much tax payer dollars as the Democrats do or even more, except they give it the filthy rich.. Who in returns takes the money opens up a business overseas, where they can get cheap labor, such as China.... What does this do for the average Joe in America??? Absolutely, not a damn thing again... If we traced most of the funds these days they would be going overseas to off shore banks and business's.... What happened to manufacturing jobs in America??? The are almost non existent... We take everything to Taiwan or China and have it made for pennies, ship it back to the United States and sell it... Where are the jobs at??? Maybe, in sells or Marketing, but not everyone can do that.... What I'm saying there is not enough jobs to go around these days that pay descent money... We all can work at Taco Bell, Mcdonalds, the Mall or maybe at the gym... People without descent jobs does not make the economy grow.... The rich arrogant wonder why are economy is growing, there you go... Simple truth, you try to save buck here and there, it ends up hurting everyone in the long run...

For all the Health Care Nay sayers!!!! THINK ABOUT THIS WITH THOUGHT, REMEMBER THIS!!!! Here comes a dandy!!!!

What kind of jobs does everyone want and it is almost a must to survive these days??? (job that pays good money and has health insurance)

What happens if you have a job that dosen't have health insurance???? You pay out of pocket, cost a fortune, you go into debt or you just say hell with it and die....

Everyone is bidding for the same jobs that pay good money and Health insurance......Lets think about this and be honest to ourself.... How many of those jobs exist these days for college graduates or people that have

been working for long time... NOT VERY MANY!!!! EVERYONE IS COMPETEING FOR THESE JOBS!!!!

Lets say everyone is covered under a healthcare plan.... It dosen't matter whether your a plummer, electrician, teacher, trash man or what ever..... What does this do??? It opens the job markets up to were everyone

can have descent healthy lives that pays descent money.... Right now, the jobs that have health insurance have a monopoly on this whole economy because they know they can pay people what ever they want....

Why??? Because every American needs there family to be safe from sickness or illness, they can't afford to take a their kids to the hospital out of pocket, it would cost them a fortune...
There is no doubt that the healthcare system needs reform...but just sitting there pointing fingers at each other is going to get nothing obvious the people do not want a government takeover of the healthcare system. We all know it will NOT work!!! So its time to look at other why does the hospital charge the man off the street $ 1000.00 for a procedure that they will accept $80.00 from blue cross blue shield for? Its not right! I would like to see a more competitive market in health insurance...but i think its got to be done in a way where common folks like you and I...the workin man ...can have a say in how these changes come about. You know as well as I ...if the gubernmnet gets complete control of healthcare it will fail miserably....just like social security and medicare. Its plain and simple...if you go out and work for your WILL be more responsible with how you spend it. If its given to dont care!!! And how dare they talk about taxing my so called"caddilac" health insurance when they..the government employees ..are exempt from the caddilac tax, and they have the best insurance that mine ..and can buy!!
WLG - 2/24/2010 12:44 AM

There is no doubt that the healthcare system needs reform...but just sitting there pointing fingers at each other is going to get nothing obvious the people do not want a government takeover of the healthcare system. We all know it will NOT work!!! So its time to look at other why does the hospital charge the man off the street $ 1000.00 for a procedure that they will accept $80.00 from blue cross blue shield for? Its not right! I would like to see a more competitive market in health insurance...but i think its got to be done in a way where common folks like you and I...the workin man ...can have a say in how these changes come about. You know as well as I ...if the gubernmnet gets complete control of healthcare it will fail miserably....just like social security and medicare. Its plain and simple...if you go out and work for your WILL be more responsible with how you spend it. If its given to dont care!!! And how dare they talk about taxing my so called"caddilac" health insurance when they..the government employees ..are exempt from the caddilac tax, and they have the best insurance that mine ..and can buy!!

Social Security and Medicare have problems that need fixing.... but I would not classify them as miserable failures
outcaster - 2/24/2010 12:56 AM

WLG - 2/24/2010 12:44 AM

There is no doubt that the healthcare system needs reform...but just sitting there pointing fingers at each other is going to get nothing obvious the people do not want a government takeover of the healthcare system. We all know it will NOT work!!! So its time to look at other why does the hospital charge the man off the street $ 1000.00 for a procedure that they will accept $80.00 from blue cross blue shield for? Its not right! I would like to see a more competitive market in health insurance...but i think its got to be done in a way where common folks like you and I...the workin man ...can have a say in how these changes come about. You know as well as I ...if the gubernmnet gets complete control of healthcare it will fail miserably....just like social security and medicare. Its plain and simple...if you go out and work for your WILL be more responsible with how you spend it. If its given to dont care!!! And how dare they talk about taxing my so called"caddilac" health insurance when they..the government employees ..are exempt from the caddilac tax, and they have the best insurance that mine ..and can buy!!

Social Security and Medicare have problems that need fixing.... but I would not classify them as miserable failures

Really?? WOW!!!!
Obama and his cronies dug them a deep hole and their Butts will be plowed under come November. All that is happening is the finger pointing instead of saying lets work on this. The lying hand couldn't reach across the isle
Bubbakat - 2/24/2010 12:04 AM Obama and his cronies dug them a deep hole and their Butts will be plowed under come November. All that is happening is the finger pointing instead of saying lets work on this. The lying hand couldn't reach across the isle

Bubba, I wonder how many republicans will get plowed under in the next election? Since they haven't done anything in over a year except gripe and say no, wonder who the masses will vote for that are still unemployed, on food stamps, lost their homes, etc.? Will they vote forthe democratparty that is trying to do something or will they vote for the party that does absolutely nothing and doesn't have a clue what to do? Which way would you vote if you were one of these people?</p>
WLG - 2/24/2010 12:59 AM

outcaster - 2/24/2010 12:56 AM

WLG - 2/24/2010 12:44 AM

There is no doubt that the healthcare system needs reform...but just sitting there pointing fingers at each other is going to get nothing obvious the people do not want a government takeover of the healthcare system. We all know it will NOT work!!! So its time to look at other why does the hospital charge the man off the street $ 1000.00 for a procedure that they will accept $80.00 from blue cross blue shield for? Its not right! I would like to see a more competitive market in health insurance...but i think its got to be done in a way where common folks like you and I...the workin man ...can have a say in how these changes come about. You know as well as I ...if the gubernmnet gets complete control of healthcare it will fail miserably....just like social security and medicare. Its plain and simple...if you go out and work for your WILL be more responsible with how you spend it. If its given to dont care!!! And how dare they talk about taxing my so called"caddilac" health insurance when they..the government employees ..are exempt from the caddilac tax, and they have the best insurance that mine ..and can buy!!

Social Security and Medicare have problems that need fixing.... but I would not classify them as miserable failures

Really?? WOW!!!!

Yes Really Wow. Tell Doc1 you are going to take his SS and Medicare away. Then get back to me
If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved

If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of adviserswith people who cannot seem to keep current in their income taxes,would you have approved

If George W. Bush had stated that there were 57 states in the United States , would you have said that he is clueless.

If George W. Bush had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree
on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a hypocrite?

If George W. Bush's administration had okayed Air Force One flying low over millions of people followed by a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing widespread panic, would you have wondered whether
they actually get what happened on 9-11?

If George W. Bush had created the position of 32 Czars who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate on much of what is happening in America , would you have approved.
Bubba, you are getting mighty picky, quoting rumors that have been out a long time. Let's just stick to the facts and let the rumors rest.
Really?? WOW!!!![/QUOTE]

Yes Really Wow. Tell Doc1 you are going to take his SS and Medicare away. Then get back to me[/QUOTE]

I tell you what...when I need it someday..and I go to get it and they tell me the funds are not there because all the funds that i paid in were used for some damn illegal immigrants healthcare...then I will get back to you. And if youre gonna say..ohh it will be there cause your savior Obama is gonna fix it all....youre dreamin man....DREAM ON!!!!
Big gov, big bussiness-- Whats the difference? They both are corrupt and dishonest! They LUST of money and power is the root of all evil! Always has been and always will be! This game we play called "POLITICS" is just another way to keep us mad and confused while the big dogs rake it in! JMHO
ain't rumors it is fact and he did these things in the first 5 months. I ain't getting picky the American people are tired of his silver tongue Doc It ways. He has no clue as to what is going on and last 4 years bush didn't either. But Bush ain't in office. Sure Obama got saddled with a load when he came to office but he is the one that got up and shouted time for change, I'll make America better. ***edited for profanity** he can't even wipe his own Butt , he is so full of himself. The democrats want to do every thing as he wants it and I don't see where 164 days as a senator gives him the knowledge of what to do. He has this idea he is big cheese and if you don't like it then tough shikie. Three years from now he still won't have a clue. Hi democrat people that he works with are scared to buck him, but he has failed in his attempt to be the great savior for America. The hordes of young people that voted him in will break his back come Nov. He will be in office but complete control won't be there. The liberal media screamed and hollered about the republican that screamed out lair. In a crowed room I wondered how he and they knew whom the republican was referring to. He had a CEO of GM fired and where did he get that kinda of authority. shoot I am done with this. I would have checked spelling but for some reason my isn't there anymore

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