Tony Stewart crash

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There is so much stagger in the rear tires on a sprint car (10-14" ), all you have to do is let off the gas fast and the car will turn sideways just from that. A late model dirt car is the same way if you have a lot of stagger in it. I'm very sorry the man got killed, but if you run out in front of cars on a track your subject to get hit. The video I saw the man was out of his car and at least a car lane and a half below his car. Tony was on the bottom lane on the track. I use to drive a street car down at Cleveland speedway, I watch the races for the racing. I don't have any racing hero's or a Dale Earnhart shrine in my back window, I think it was his own fault and not Tony Stewarts. As far as Tony going to the infield to avoid him, I wouldn't have either, even if he could have, and neither would have any other racer on the track.
Gruffy911 ur exactly right .....stagger on the right rear is so important it's what helps turn the car I use to help Todd Morrow we've been all around until i started swing shift and even when a late model lets out of it they will turn down the track either way a young man lost his life and Tony's life and mind is ruined he will never forget about this and it's sad that it happened prayers for the family of the young man and tony
I dint care that much about tony , but i don't think he intended or saw him until to late then try ed to gun the car and whip it around the kid. If u know anything about these cars that back tire sticks out a lot.

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