Tournament Saturday March 4th, 2017? Any intrest!#

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Mjherron1978 - 2/28/2017 8:46 PM Why not make it a 5 fish limit?




Because Mr. Long has a hard time catching 5 fish somtimes! hehehehe. Just kidding, I wish all tourneys were 3 fish limits. Less stress on fish in well, especially in larger pot and sponsored tournaments. Smaller club tourneys and bass and or flw affiliated have there own rules and 5 fish is the norm.</p>

Tim why don't you fish CFF @ RP its only 3 fish? Down there you can win and do a grand slam on BF with all 3 species. I hope Tonya and I are able to fish it.. I love the river!!!!</p>
The answer is YES about working with TWRA about our tournament situation on Chickamauga. I am trying to work with them about coming up with a solution to reduce the number of tournaments on our lake. When you have 10 to 12 tournaments on a weekend plus all of the dog fights during the week and anyone with a basket and a scale can hold a tournament it is just to much. With the lack of knowledge people have about fish care and the amount of pressure this lake gets it will not be able to survive. I fished during the late 80 s early 90 s. I truly know what a bad lake it can be. I love tournaments as much as anyone but I also want future generations to enjoy it as well. Social media has turned our lake into a business. When it falls apart and it will if something isn't done, we will be left starting all over. Not trying to make anyone mad I just wanted to put in my thoughts.
You make a good point. We've ran the night txs out of HBSP for the last few years now. It's always been a 3 fish limit and I can say with certainty that our fishermen do a good job of fish care. However; you can't help it when another group shows up weighing in 5 fish and all of them are right behind us saying their fish kept dying or they struggled with the livewell the whole time. We've seen them just dump their fish out right at the edge of the ramp and calmly walk away. That leaves us trying to revive the ones we can so our group doesn't get crucified on here the next day. I hate to point fingers but I will in this case. I know the last 2 summers we haven't heard about dead fish until the day after these other guys fish a tournament at HBSP. We do what we can but everyone has to do their part.
:emoticon: I see no solution in sight. The issue is and always has been the problem of who has the right to put one on over someone else. How do you determine what tournaments should be allowed and those that should not be allowed. emoScratch Is it going to be a first come first serve bases? Or is it going to be who has done them the longest in the area? Is it going to be based on crowd size of the expected anglers who may participate? Then who is going to be the tournament police? Who is going to ride around checking ramps for tournament violators? The Chick is not Parksville. Over on that lake the size made it more affordable to control it and charge people to have one. What you all keep talking about is easier said then done.

If you start looking at some kind of capacity levels what about just the weekend anglers who want to just going fishing? You going to have some kind of control on that, have folks standing at the ramp telling folks, "Sorry, the lake is full, you will have to come back later." The issue I see here is it seems like everyone has this self thought that the "other guy" should not be able to have a tournament. That their tournament is righteous and correct while the "other guy" is intrusive and wrong. I am not trying to rain on anyone's parade but it will never happen in my opinion. Don't take that wrong, I am not saying I want twenty tournaments a weekend on the Chick, emoDoh , I am just saying that the idea that you can control this in some manner is just not possible. emoGeezer To allow one tournament and not another is a lawsuit in the making. The Parks people could control the number of tournaments going out of their ramps like they do at Chester, but that leaves all other ramps usable for tournaments.

Good luck on this one. Time will tell. emoPolice Jmax
in some states you have to have permit from the wildlife svc if its not a club event or you expect more than 20 boats and they will not allow more than one big tournament per lake per day. it wouldnt be that hard for TWRA to establish a policy, the enforcement would be more difficult, TWRA could maintain a central schedule.

really its going to fall on the tournament fishermen to self regulate, whether it be through joining tournaments together to have one central tournament under same set of rules vs various scattered tourneys under different formats. also the guys CAN influence tournament organizations, if enough guys stand up and say "we're not going to fish youre tournaments unless you fix your rules on fish care" the organizations will fix the problem because they LOOSE MONEY if participation goes down.

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