One of the most enjoyable experiences I had was attending The Bass University as a present from my wife. A few of us sat with Mike Iaconelli at the hotel bar after about nine or so. I cant watch him on tv, but he won us over. His little quips and stories were amazing. "If you have not caught a fish, don't change your bait because the time to change you bait is when you are on fish to zero in on what they really want", "It's not hard to find fish with today's electronics, but you have to find biting fish", "When zeroing in on wat to use, feel the stomach; if mushy its shad, crunchy is crayfish and if it feels like a pencil its a bream spine". We were like ten year olds listening to the wise one. I would also say that the man ALWAYS stopped what ever he was doing to engage any child showing an interest in fishing..