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Well-known member
May 31, 2008
Well I went out and fished my first tx out at grasshopper last night, need less to say me and my partner only landed one keeper. Her is the question, the person that won the tx last night cmae in from a diffrent ramp and ran over to garsshoper to pay entry fee, then after tx weighed in then left to go back to were he put in at, how do yaw feel and what's yaws 2 cents on this. Do yaw members feel that if u fish a tx u should have to put in at that ramp or not.....................for my answer i feel that if ur fishing a tx you should have to put in at that ramp and pull out at that ramp....thks
I feel as long as your there and the live wells are checked..it dosent matter where they come from. I put in at Chesterfrost and ride over to Harrison all the time for Txes. Courious...why does that matter?</p>

Saves travel time and gas too. emoThumbsup </p>
BBass - 6/15/2008 9:28 AM

I feel as long as your there and the live wells are checked..it dosent matter where they come from. I put in at Chesterfrost and ride over to Harrison all the time for Txes. Courious...why does that matter?</p>

Saves travel time and gas too. emoThumbsup </p>

Ditto....if someone is going to cheat it really makes no difference where they put in at. I am thinking that is what you are getting at here. You have to be on the honor system and hope everyone else is as well. We have a number of folks who live on the water and they come from their docks. Like Bbass says a number of us fish both HBSP and Chester so we are always going back and forth to the other side. 5 minutes by water, 35 minutes by land, plus the gas to pull a boat around just does not make any since. emoAngel Jmax
No I dont think the person was cheating, I noticed 4 out of 5 of his fish started floating after way in so i figured they came from deep water, and could'nt be but up till later on. I really was just woundering because it was my first tx and i didnt notice anything getting checked, so I was just woundering. I do see ur point about the gas and if u live on the water. Well YAW know that the only person a man can trust is his self, and sometimes u have to question that to...lol..

Spur u would'nt understand, no I mean yaw not yall....
When fishing bigger tournaments like our Top Six I always try to find a less crowded boat ramp to put in at, unless I am camping and can keep my boat in the water. I hate the mess of a 300 boat launch.
I live in Hixson so if fishing Hbsp easier for me to run across in the boat than drive over there,Everyone is on the Honor system anyway and if someone wants to cheat then have at it,Ifish TX for the fun and comp and don't mind donating to the pot,as long as L/W are checked don't care where people run from,cya soon
I know what you mean crazy it gets annoying when you have people that all they have to do is to look for post with spelling/grammer mistakes....and then show thereemoBadLanguage emoAngry
What the bad thing is is thats what i meant YAW...I know how to spell yall....belive it or not lol
well the reason the question was asked really is because there was no livewell check for anyone then he comes in with rite at 15lbs in a 4 hour tx 2nd place had 8 everyone was close but him then he wouldnt fizz the fish just threw them in left them swimming on their sides if he is gonna catch that good quality fish he should at least help care for them not just takes everyones money then the heck with the fish I won and got the money help them live so someone else can catch them again . The same guy at a tx last year out of there waited till they were fixing to handout the money then says (I think I got em all beat) then weighs in his fish I'm sorry but the tx officials at that one shouldnt have let him weigh in gets someone thinking they are in the money then pulls a stunt like that i wouldve told him sorry i already asked if anyone has anymore fish but they did,nt my 2 cents is if they are putting in at another ramp to save gas that is fine but them and everyone else is gonna have a livewell check
It seems strange to hear complaints about tournaments when we voluntarily sign up to fish them ... and this goes for all of them. Don't like the rules? Don't fish. Don't like the competition? Don't fish. Don't like the venue? Don't fish. Don't like the date? Don't fish.

I use to fish a lot of different tournaments and it dawned on me that there were dislikes involved with most. I'll fish against anyone, any day of the week, but what's the point sometimes? No one has held a gun to our heads and told us to fish "or else." CFF/Family Trads TXs are the only ones I care to fish anymore 'cause I'd rather fish WITH friends than against the rest.

My .02 ...

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