Vintage boat restoration project!

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2009
Chattanooga, TN
Hey everyone! This is my first shot fixing up an old boat and it has been a lot of fun through the process. With the help of my buddy Wes (Auburnwes on CFF), we are restoring a 1965 Rich Line 14ft aluminum boat that runs on a 15 hp 1955 Evinrude AquaSonic Fastwin. This is my grandfathers boat that has sat in storage for years and years, with the exception of one of my Dad's friends trying to fix it about two years ago. Im no marine mechanic by any means, but I can tell you the guy who worked on it did nothing but make it harder for us to work. I suppose he learned the hard way that starter fluid is not magic fluid and wont fix by a motor by pumping can after can into it....

So we'll start with the before pictures. For the record when we did get it out of storage, we took it out a few times with a newer 6hp Johnson motor that was donated by a friend so the fishing gear you see in there is my stuff. Hey I had to check for leaks...then it didnt we had to fish right??? We didn't do any modifications other than jimmy up a drain plug from duct tape till we found the old one : ) and yes duct tape kept us afloat for about 2 or 3 fishing trips with no problems!
haha yeah I got a little distracted and frustrated trying to get these pictures on the post so i did things my way and put it together in a video that you can see here...

Im much better at video editing than I am at internet forum posting so watch this short video...besides its more fun than just the pics by themselves!
Hey everyone! We made some good progress on the boat over the past two days. We put in a new impeller and changed the fluid in the lower. Ive never smelled oil that reeked this bad before in my life. It looked like thick chocolate milk and smelled awful!! We let the carb set overnight for a while and a little the next day to make sure the silicone had dried and put it all back together. We also took a peek inside the cylinders to see what they looked like... I have the next video put together but youtube is having a hard time uploading videos at the moment but ill get it up as soon as it will let me and post the link!

In the meantime have a look at's a quick look at a fishing show I'm putting together!
Enjoyed both your videos. emoThumbsup emoThumbsup </p>

I can remember when the see through glass bowl filters were popular on almost every engine. Sure made figuring out why they didn't run right a lot easier.</p>

Looks like it's all coming along great !</p>
Before we cleaned out the carb we could see black chunks of old fuel and who knows what floating around in looked like a really bad christmas globe!
What did you find on the back firing????? That is usually a spark issue. The points may be hanging and closing late causing the timing to be off. With being only 1 carb if the idle was off it would effect both cylinders and usually would not idle. Did you put the rubber holder on the idle set screw??? You may pull the carb back off and look and see if someting is hung in a reed and holding it open. Just a few thoughts.

What type of silicone did you use and where???? Fuel will eat most silicones. It takes a anerobic sealer to resist gas.

Great videos!!!!

I like the line!!!!!!
We did all that we could physically and mentally do to this motor. emoBang I cut my hand twice and a few blusters from pulling on this thing. The odd thing is that we did the carb kit put it back on and she fired up and ran ok, turned it off and restarted it ran ok, but the next day it doesn't want to do a thing. Not sure what you mean by the idle set screw? Troy (TSpinner) and I figured we would go let somebody else figure it out, wish I hadn't been an idiot and total forget to check with you and see if you worked on them or had time (your number is now in my phone).

I used the silicone on the metal plug that is on top of the carb, but only on the outside. The plug was not really that tight of a fit in there. I really didn't like the carb kit, thought we might have gotten the wrong one, but looked it up on-line to make sure it we did.

Also we went to a local shop to get lower unit oil, and the guy told us to get the oil that is pretty thick like 105 I believe. Wasn't sure if that was sound advice or not.

Thanks for the help wrechin. emoToast
That welch plug had anerobic on it. Did you take the plug out???? Where the idle screw goes, there is usually a rubber gromet that goes in to hold the adjustment. Some may have a spring to hold it.

I normally don't mess with the smaller HP motors for the fact is the value. If I give a guy with a V-6 merc a $500 bill he is usually happy. If I gave you a $500 bill how would you feel???? MAD??? How many of those engines could you have bought with that??? That is why I normally stay away from them. Too easy to surpass the value of a older, small HP motor.

I answered a question on the Lubriplate. It is not a thick grease but why spend extra $$$. It came with oil, why not go back with oil??? I personally don't see the point, but it may be the ticket that someone started doing. It is like me and the Merc lowers with 10 holes being filled in. Works great and has a purpose. The lubriplate may serve a purpose, but I don't see it. But that is just MY opinion.
What kind of a fuel line do you have running from the tank to the motor? That oil in the lower unit may have been just older oil that hasn't been run for awhile. The fuel mix on that engine would be at a ratio of 24:1 and don't let no one tell you that with todays oil that it can be run at 50:1 because the thicker oil is used to take up the distance between the bronze bearing and the crank. The later models starting with some in 1959 started useing roller bearings and could be run on 50:1 mix. If I lived closer to you I would get that old dog running for yea. Simple little motors.
Its just regular fuel line, one gas and the other air. Troy said one day he wanted to get rid of the pressurized tanks and go to the modern ones since he already has one. You every fooled with that? Did some reading and heard those can be sort of dangerous .

Yea the oil was pretty bad but got it all out of there and put in some new. emoVomit

Yea a guy at a local shop was very serious about using 50:1. He wasn't very helpful and acted like we were intruding on his time (Won't go there again). So with that said we went on-line and found that 24:1 was the way to go.emoPoke

Yea, I wish you could of helped (we needed it) Thanks anyway emoThumbsup
BubbaKat.. Would you reccomend using the 30W motor oil like they used to use in the old days????? Just curious. I have heard several opinions on it.
Lot of the guys do that have those vintage engines on a vintage boat but I use one to push a 12 foot john and I run regular TCW-3 oil in it. I have less carbon build up that way and less smoke.

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