Wanted To Buy: used, old, & antique FISHING gear or prints

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

Help Support Chattanooga Fishing Forum:


Mar 9, 2007
Please call us at 423-267-0024 to inquire about us purchasing your used, old, or antique fishing gear or prints.

If you are not sure about what your items are worth, we can make you an offer. It makes it very easy if you can call and give us an idea of what you have, or even better, if you can bring your items by our shop to see in person.

Thank you,

Choo Choo Fly & Tackle
17 Cherokee Blvd.
Chattanooga, TN 37405
Sorry,...none of my stuff is for sale. I still use it. emoLaugh emoRedface Jmax
Hmmm. Has anybody seen Jmax's stuff? It is probably actually worth alot of money, and would be quite valuable to a collector of antique fishing equipment. LOL
Jmax - 3/20/2009 5:07 PM Sorry,...none of my stuff is for sale. I still use it. emoLaugh emoRedface Jmax

Uh, Jim...I don't think they would be interested in your stuff. He said "antique", not pre-historic!!emoLaugh emoCool </p>

that sounds good. we'd be happy to look at it and see what we can do.

thank you!!!
puddle jumper - 3/20/2009 4:37 PM "Wanted To Buy: used, old, & antique " FA's not for sale... emoGeezer Puddle emoSorry Buddy ,,, emoBigsmile</p>


<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">I resemble that remark..........my mind is equal to a 39 year old guy....fa</font></p>
crod - 3/20/2009 6:57 PM Hmmm. Has anybody seen Jmax's stuff? It is probably actually worth alot of money, and would be quite valuable to a collector of antique fishing equipment. LOL</p>



<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">Yes, I know how old his stuff is.......I overhauled most of his stuff and it is good for another 10 years........but he is good with it still.....he would not know how to handle new stuff....LOL FA</font></p>
Do you "Old Timers" - still use sticks and stones like the cavemen did? emoPoke emoBang emoEnforce

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha emoLaugh emoDance

Just jidding now..... emoAngel

You old pros kick our butts to many times in tx's! emoWorthy emoGeezer
my mother is cleaning up around the house and there is a OLD baitcaster with what I believe is a steel rod... you interested?</p>

I forgot the name on the rod but... I need to turn that thing into my new ultralight so I wouldn't break it in the creek:)

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