Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2008
cleve tn
me and dad went tonight to put a few jugs out but our trip got spoiled when we came up at the boat ramp and saw a truck fully engulfed in flames! the guy that owned the truck was running down the road towards us on the phone with the fire department and he said him and his dad had been doing a little bass fishing around hiwassee island and when they came in his window was broken out and his truck was smoking and he opened the door and it flamed up. well it was a total loss by the time the fd got there it was a 2008 chevy silvarado you know this really pisses me off i would like to spit some beechnut in that dudes eye and shoot him with my old 45 because a country boy can survive! you cant even go out and have a little fun without some nut doing something that stupid you know busting out the window and stealing something is one thing [that really pisses me off] but burning the truck after what is this world coming to! i was so tore up about it we didnt even stay and fish by the way it was the boat ramp right off of highway60 were the old blythe ferry used to cross the river so if anyone is in that area be on the lookout for any suspicious activity! here are a few pics they didnt turn out too good because it was right at dark emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce


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That's just terrible. There's gotta be a special place in hell for people that would do something like this.
You never know....It could have been set-up by his ol'ladie. Women will go to extreme lengths to get you to mow the grass instead of going fishing lol.
Two weekends ago my truck got the window busted out of it and the CD player stole out of it in the process all why i was jug fishing by bennets lake boat ramp.
I got my windows busted out at Skull Island a couple years ago. Anymore i only launch at somewhere like HBSP if i am fishing the lake. The gas is cheaper than the insurance premium.
emoBang emoBang emoBang I just fished from that ramp a couple weeks ago. I was scared to death, now I know why I felt that way!
That's a real shame. I am around there almost everytime out. Even picked the great Spur up at there when we went jugging. Usually quite a few folks around bank fishing the point and the bluffs b y the barge tie ups.
i have been launching from there and right down the road at dry branch for about 15 years and havent had a problem but i did get a bunch of stuff stolen at watts bar about 10 years ago and every since then i take anything of value out of my truck and leave my truck unlocked usally they will just go through it and not find anything and go on and not bother anythging else and i have came in and noticed that someone has been in my truck looking things would be shuffled around. you never know especially at night ! but they better not let me catch them i have a really big suprise for them! emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoGoofy emoGoofy emoGoofy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce
I agree I luanch from dry branch every weekend. There are some hooligans, and strange people on those backroads. Its kinda like wrong turn sometimes, and giggly comes out of nowhere. I may have to rethink where I put out from now since this has happened.
anyfish - 8/7/2008 8:32 PM

i have been launching from there and right down the road at dry branch for about 15 years and havent had a problem but i did get a bunch of stuff stolen at watts bar about 10 years ago and every since then i take anything of value out of my truck and leave my truck unlocked usally they will just go through it and not find anything and go on and not bother anythging else and i have came in and noticed that someone has been in my truck looking things would be shuffled around. you never know especially at night ! but they better not let me catch them i have a really big suprise for them! emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoGoofy emoGoofy emoGoofy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce emoEnforce

You should get you a pet rattlesnake and leave it in there for them....that would be a NICE surprise for them. Lets all look out for each other when around the boat ramp. If you see someone looking suspicious...hang out for a few minutes...or just call the police!!

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