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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2009
Someone was nice enough to key my truck last night at Harrison Bay state park. Don't have any enemies that I'm aware of but I will if I ever find out who did it. Just a heads up for all of you that frequent that parking lot.
I hope it was a teenager. If an adult did that they should be launched into space to never return! Sorry about your truck!
Only thing that stood out was that my truck was in the middle of 15 other trucks so it didn't seem random. I'm wondering if it happened to anyone else
Man! That stinks and I park there all the time but never night fish. Probably some kid. Sorry about your truck.
Saturday while Me and Todd were fishing some ahole hit my truck in front and the trailer in back. Witness said he stoped,looked and went and parked somewhere else. They called the park ranger and told him what happened. The ranger got information from our tags and l put notes on our trucks. So the ahole knowing he was not getting away this time stoped for a sit down with ranger and fessed up. So now it is in insurance hands.
Good golly miss molly! I am glad to say I was not in town last night. emoScratch Went to AR for Mother's Day weekend. I am back today and sorry to hear you got keyed. I was thinking the sore looser idea too. emoAngry Jmax
The funny thing is, I noticed a scratch all the way down my right side quarter panel Sunday morning. Looks just like a key scratch. I better never see someone up there in the act or it's not gonna be pretty.
I was at harrison Sunday afternoon and when we was coming into the dock some guy told me I better check my stuff cause someone busted his window out of his truck. His truck was in the center row all the way at the end so it probably wasn't hard for some piece of crap to bust his window out without anyone seeing them before they got away. It's gonna keep happening til they get someone to patrol the parking lot a little better or until they catch who is doing it.

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