weed kill

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Fshn Cpa

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2009
I see they sprayed in Harrison Bay and some of the sloughs nearby. Where else have they "treated"?
I think they may have sprayed around the river. Jason and I have fished some grass along a bank (this bank has NO docks or houses). Last time we fished it we couldn't hardly find ANY grass in the spot.
They sprayed around some docks just off the river past Harrison Bluffs going toward the dam. I never find fish where they have killed the grass. Just pull in black stinking grass.
They usually do some spraying to control the grass around docks and marinas. But they usually don't go to areas Like Hook1 was talking about so that's No good
I've not been out in 2 weeks til today. The last day out as I was trailering the boat in Dayton they were spraying at the boat dock. They've also had to be spraying all around Richland creck. Grass is all but gone. Even most of the grass north of the hwy 60 bridge and hiawassi river is gone. I think it was topped out by this time last year. Didn't they learn what happened last time they killed all the grass?
Who cares, tva doesn't. Let twra keep putting them in, and stake holders along with tva keep killing the grass, and that so called perfect Strom they said Chickamauga was will fizzle out and become the dessert it used to be....
7:45 this morning 2 "Aquatic Services" airboats were heading up Birchwood Pike, tanks loaded with herbicide to dump in our water supply!
man i wish something could be done to stop this, it has done so much negative crap and the only positive is some rich guy who lives on the river dosent have grass around his dock, i dont believe the crap about it hurting the turbines Its all about money and power!!!
I had seen the boats out spraying in and around Richland Creek the 3rd week of June. Kill the grass and you'll kill the bass. Just check out Watts Bar.
Here is the link to the TVA aquatic plant management plan:


Here is the treatment map that TVA is using:

https://tva.com/file_source/TVA/Sit...nmental Stewardship/Aquatic Weeds/Chickamauga[3].pdf

The other areas that are treated are supposed to be paid for by the property owners and have the appropriate approvals from the state of Tennessee. These are the areas that most people are talking about. I think this process is a little too easy to get the approval for and then very little oversight of the process.
They dont have to pull individual permits for each application anymore. Legistlation was passed to allow one blanket permit to cover ALL aplications of herbicides. So write you local and state representatives if you are trully concerned. My biggest issue with it, all of this area's water supply comes from the TN RIVER AND SOME OF THE MAIN AREAS BEING SPRAYED ARE WATER INTAKES!!!! Smoke on that!
That treatment map is garbage! There were 2 Aquatic Services airboats spraying the Hamilton Island sloughs & across the island in the cove at Witches Ditch. None of those areas are marked as treatment areas.

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