Weird in the woods

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
From my treestand I see many trees. However there is one that is something I have never seen in nature. A bright Pastel Blue Tree.. I have never seen this color in Nature's spectrum of colors. This Tree isexactlylike the others when you are close up and all during the day until the evening sun starts to set. The photos show thedistinctcolor difference but no where the true effects you witness seeing this with the naked eye. It has a glowing ora and seems to emit Blue Rays out into the sun's rays. This tree is blue from the Base evenly to the tiny tips of every limb.</p>

In addition, there is a very shinny Black perfectly shaped Heart directly above the blue tree. You can see it in all the photos. If you walk near to the tree the heart just comes apart where you can see no traces of any combination of components that could form the heart at the angle of the view from my treestand.</p> I honestly can not imagine why there is only one tree of the many I can see that takes on this color and only in a certain Light. As I said, whenlookingclose up there is no difference in the surface of any of the trees.<div></div><div>I think it is a passageway to a Witch's Lair. I dare you to approach this area after dark.
</div><div>I have several photos of the brilliant glowing Baby Blue Tree and the Shining Black Heart above it... </div><div>These pics are original and unaltered.</div><div>



Any ideas to explain this and have any of you ever seen anything like this. I put my Buddy in my stand on Sunday and he saw this and discussed it with me.. So it is not my imagination or my eyes playing tricks.
Saw your post on Facebook... this is an interesting phenomenon. I have absolutely no idea.

My only WAG would be perhaps the tree has some form of mold or lichen on it that assumes the color under certain light. However I know it seems you might see that on a close-up exam of the bark.

Now as for the black heart... I'd say just a coincidental configuration of black splotches on tree(s) and/or limb(s) that combine from that particular angle. But the "blue barked tree" is a real mystery.
The fallen wishbone tree is normal. In the real naked eye view, there is no question that this one tree of all the many trees is the only one. . If it were a mold or algae, surely there would be other trees.

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