I appreciate all this info, but I, and some others on here have noticed the fry and minnows seem to be at very large levels for this year.
We were looking at crappie, bass and bream fry in the water and noticed they had to be from a recent spawn.
I wonder about the high spawning fish rates for these and other species as well, if they aren't increasing forage thereby increasing growth for the predator fish.
Wish I used better english. but I am trying to see if there is a correlation that gives us a better size and number rate for X years in the future that is being discussed. emoScratch
If it is a factor then I can only say 5 to 6 years down the line the Chick and the Nick should be premier sites in the next few years based on what I have observed. I think this cup will most certainly be half full. emoCool