Where's the pics Earl?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Jmax - 1/17/2017 5:32 PM

Jmax - 1/17/2017 5:29 PM

DinkDink - 1/17/2017 5:28 PM

Jmax - 1/17/2017 4:38 PM

Dink Dink, you know I was just picking on ya. emoPoke Earl I got your e-mail, lets try this again.

Very good looking boat!!! emoWorthy Jmax
I know. I don't understand why it does that. When I look at it on my phone on the forum it is right side up. Are you viewing on a computer?

When Earl sent them to me they were upside down too. I sent them over to a picture file on my computer where I can right side them up. Then I reduced them down to under 100 kb and put them on the forum.
I gotcha
It is very nice indeed Earl, glad you're paying for it and not me. Motor should have been black too though.

I saw a video of Hank Parker talking about leaving a ramp and coming back and the same Cajun being there. He had a pirou full of fish and Hank had nothing. Cajun said "At least you's always look good coming and a going!" in a strong Cajun accent. Very nice ride!